The maximum cable length, including the fitted 1 m long
measuring lead, must not exceed 30 m.
It is not acceptable to run cables through outdoor areas.
The SCM is designed for CAT II applications. Measure
ment category II is applicable to test and measuring cir
cuits that are directly connected to the mains connections
(sockets) of the lowvoltage grid installation. The
SCMHV is not suitable for any other low-voltage grid
installation applications and its use for this purpose is
The following applies to test and measuring circuits
without a rated measurement category (not directly con
nected to the supply network, formerly CAT I): Whether
the SCMHV is suitable for test or measuring circuit ap
plications not intended for direct connection to the supply
network, can only be determined by an accurate analysis
of the operating voltage, the peak voltage, the loop im
pedance, the occasional overvoltage and the transient
overvoltage of these circuits. The following characterist
ics apply to the SCMHV in this respect:
S Operating voltage: max. "415 V DC or 415 V rms AC
S Differential voltage: max. "500 V DC or 500 V rms