Instruction Sheet
L133940 - 59
Local shuttle train, Type DOMINO of the SBB-CFF
Today's local shuttle trains have been in service for around 30 years. Consequently
they have had to be upgraded to meet the more discerning requirements of rail
passengers. The SBB modernised 120 rail cars (RBDe 560/561) at the Yverdon in-
dustrial works and 121 control cab cars (Bt NPZ) at the Olten industrial works. The
vehicles were stripped down to the car body and then reassembled. The SBB only
replaced the old intermediate cars of the types EW I and EW II wit 140 new „Inova"
low floor intermediate cars from the Bombardier company. All three components
taken together constitute the new regional passenger traffic trains „Domino", which
can be enlarged by up to four intermediate cars.
The trains possess air-conditioned passenger compartments, low level access for
easy entry and exit, equipment for handicapped passengers, monitor-related cus-
tomer information and more safety ensured via video surveillance. The new trains
run in the new SBB design as Glarner Sprinter and as RegionAlps.
H0 1:87
Betra_L133940_59_D_GB_F.indd 13
09.03.2011 10:12:39 Uhr