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All manuals and user guides at YTTRAN...
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All manuals and user guides at English Polski Srpski Installation must be performed in compliance Instalacja musi zostać wykonana zgodnie Instaliranje mora da se izvrši u skladu s važećim with current local construction and plumbing z obowiązującymi, lokalnymi przepisami lokalnim građevinskim i vodovodnim propisima.
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All manuals and user guides at عربي English Portugues .أغلق الصمام الرئيسي قبل تغيير حنفية الخالط Switch off main shut-off valve before changing Desligue a válvula principal antes de mudar a mixer tap. torneira. ไทย Deutsch Româna ปิ ด วาล์ ว น� ้ า ทุ ก ครั ้ ง ก่ อ นท� า การเปลี ่ ย นก๊ อ กน� ้ า Vor dem Auswechseln der Mischbatterie den Opreşte supapa principală...
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All manuals and user guides at bar psi 603-556-82 124607 60˚C 1 - 5 bar G1/2" Max. 80˚C 0,5 - 10 bar AA-1670221-9...
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All manuals and user guides at bar psi 703-059-41 60˚C 1 - 5 bar G3/8" (R10) 139269 Max. 80˚C 0,5 - 10 bar bar psi 503-059-42 60˚C 1 - 5 bar G1/2" 124607 Max. 80˚C 0,5 - 10 bar bar psi 140˚F 14,5 - 72.5 psi...
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All manuals and user guides at bar psi 003-073-64 60˚C 1 - 5 bar G1/2" 139269 Max. 80˚C 0,5 - 10 bar bar psi 60˚C 1 - 5 bar 404-940-47 Max. 80˚C 0,5 - 10 bar G1/2" 124607 bar psi 60˚C 1 - 5 bar 304-940-43...
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All manuals and user guides at bar psi 303-059-43 60˚C 1 - 5 bar G1/2" 124607 Max. 80˚C 0,5 - 10 bar 139268 Low pressure bar psi 139269 Pre-fitted High pressure 60˚C 0,5 - 5 bar 15 mm (G1/2") 803-059-45 Max.
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All manuals and user guides at AA-1670221-9...
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All manuals and user guides at AA-1670221-9...
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All manuals and user guides at 中文 Eesti English 用硅胶密封暴露在外的表面,防止水通过裂缝渗入操 Seal the open surfaces with silicone to prevent Sulgege avatud pinnad silikooniga, et vältida vee 作台面。包装内不含硅胶。 water from penetrating the worktop upon any tungimist tööpinnale. Silikooni pole kaasas. leaks. Silicone is not included. 繁中...
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All manuals and user guides at ø 34 - 37 mm ø 34 - 37 mm ø 1 3/8" - 1 1/2" ø 1 3/8" - 1 1/2" Max 50 mm Max 2" AA-1670221-9...
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All manuals and user guides at 120º 360º English Français Dansk IMPORTANT! Do not tighten too hard: this can ATTENTION ! Ne pas serrer trop fort : cela VIGTIGT! Må ikke spændes for hårdt, da det kan damage hoses/pipes and washers. beskadige slanger/rør og spændeskiver.
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All manuals and user guides at Suomi Русский TÄRKEÄÄ! Älä kiristä liikaa, etteivät letkut/putket ja ВНИМАНИЕ! Не закручивайте слишком tiivisteet vaurioidu. плотно, чтобы не повредить шланги/трубы и шайбы. Svenska OBS! Dra aldrig åt för hårt; slangar och Yкраїнська packningar kan skadas. ВАЖЛИВО! Не...
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All manuals and user guides at 139269 139268 10004080 139269 Pre-fitted Low pressure Pre-fitted High pressure High pressure Low pressure ja anna veden valua muutaman minuutin ajan. English Lietuvių Kierrä suodatin uudelleen paikoilleen. HUOM! ÄLÄ Before use: Unscrew the Aerator/Flow Guide with Prieš...