As per Directive 98/37/cE of 22/06/98, codifying the Directive 89/392/cEE modified
declare under our responsibility that the thermal lawnmower, type RKEB / RTEB, to which this declaration refers, meets the
essential requirements regarding health and safety in the Directive EEc 89/392 modified, which apply to it, and the national
legislation transposing it, as well as the requirements of all other applicable Directives :
89/336/cEE of 03/05/89
2000/14/cE of 08/05/00
and guarantee that the thermal lawnmower, type RKEB / RTEB, meets the requirements of the Directive 2000/14/cE regarding noise
emissions in the environment, and is subject to the internal control production procedure, with evaluation of the technical
documents and periodic inspection by a notified body, the cETiM, F-60304 sENLis cEDEX.
* Average acoustic power level measured :
* Guaranteed acoustic power level :
All manuals and user guides at
cE declaration of conformity
13, rue de l'industrie, 67165 WissEMBouRG cEDEX
electromagnetic compatibility
noise emission in the environment from equipment for use outdoors
Executed in Wissembourg, on July, 16 st 2007
100 dB (A)
100 dB (A)
The Manager
Patrick ViVEs