The steam cleaning function assists
in removing food residue and grease
from the walls of the oven. This func-
tion is the best for light stains. In cas-
es where fundamental cleaning is
needed, the high temperature self-
cleaning function is required.
Before starting the steam clean-
• Remove all trays, grids, side lad-
ders, and dishes out of the oven.
• Prepare a solution out of water
(85%), white vinegar (10%), dish-
washing detergent (5%)
• Spray this solution on the walls of
the door, sides and back of the ov-
• Close the oven door and run the
steam cleaner.
How to start the steam cleaning
• Select "Clean" on the Home page.
In the menu that appears, select the
"Steam Clean" function.
• The cleaning temperature is preset
to 130°C.
• Select the operating time. Recom-
mended operating time: 20 minutes.
Maximum duration: 60 minutes.
• At the end of the operation, you will
hear a signal tone.
• Allow to cool to a safe level, then
wipe all surfaces inside the oven
with a damp cloth.