Sommaire des Matières pour Ariston Thermo ELECTRONIC 12 HP CA-E
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All manuals and user guides at ELECTRONIC 12 - 16 - 20 HP CA-E SCALDACQUA A GAS AD ACCUMULO...
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All manuals and user guides at ATTENZIONE! Il dispositivo contro le sovrapressioni, ove fornito in dotazione con il prodotto, non è un gruppo di sicurezza idraulico. GRUPPO SICUREZZA IDRAULICO Ai sensi della CIRCOLARE DEL MINISTERO DELLE ATTIVITA’ PRODUTTIVE DEL 26 MAR- ZO 2003, N.
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All manuals and user guides at Solo per gli apparecchi predisposti • Uniquement pour les appareils prédisposés • Solo para los modelos predispuestos Only for equipped appliances • Nur für die dafür vorgesehenen Geräte bestimmt! • Enkel voor voorbestemde toestellen Sómente para aparelhos pre-vistos •...
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All manuals and user guides at PER LA VOSTRA SICUREZZA In caso di odore di gas: 1. Chiudere immediatamente il rubinetto del gas. 2. Aprire le fi nestre 3. Non azionare interruttori elettrici o qualsiasi altra apparecchiatura elettrica. 4. Spegnere la fi amma pilota. 5.
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All manuals and user guides at CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE L’apparecchio è costituito da: • Un serbatoio protetto internamente da uno strato di smalto vetrifi cato. • Un sistema di protezione anodica. • Un rivestimento esterno in lamiera verniciata a polvere. •...
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All manuals and user guides at MODELLO fi gura 1 12P CA-E 16P CA-E 20P CA-E 12HP CA-E 16HP CA-E 20HP CA-E ø - mm ø - mm 1200 1450 1700 1200 1450 1700 1115 1365 1615 1115 1365 1615 175 min 175 min...
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All manuals and user guides at ALLACCIAMENTO AL CAMINO È indispensabile che i gas combusti siano scaricati all’esterno mediante un tubo di diametro adeguato al diametro E ø int (tabella dimensioni di ingombro fi g. 1) inserito sulla cappa dell’apparec- chio È...
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All manuals and user guides at ALLACCIAMENTO IDRAULICO • L’allacciamento alla rete di distribu- • Assicurarsi, facendo scorrere l’acqua zione dell’acqua va realizzato con per un certo periodo di tempo, che tubo da 3/4” G. L’entrata dell’acqua non vi siano nella tubazione di arrivo fredda é...
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All manuals and user guides at Per svuotare lo scaldacqua si dovrà: · chiudere il rubinetto a monte dell’apparecchio · aprire i rubinetti di intercettazione a valle dello scaldacqua · aprire il rubinetto di scarico precedentemente collegato al raccordo R. N.B.
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All manuals and user guides at ALLACCIAMENTO ELETTRICO Per una maggiore sicurezza far eff et- Sostituzione del cavo elettrico di alimenta- tuare da personale qualifi cato un con- zione. trollo accurato dell’impianto elettrico, In caso di sostituzione del cavo elettrico d’a- poiché...
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All manuals and user guides at • Posizionare correttamente la cappa fumi nelle apposite sedi, presenti nella parte superiore dell’apparecchio. • Posizionare la canalina adesiva sull’apparecchio avendo cura di allinearla con il foro presen- te sullo zoccolo e, se ritenuto opportuno, fi ssarla all’involucro con le due viti autoforanti in dotazione (fi...
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All manuals and user guides at Se l’apparecchio dovesse andare in blocco, si dovrà operare come segue: • Verifi care se il collegamento elettrico non è interrotto o se i terminali di connessione non siano ossidati. • Attendere 10 minuti dopo che si è verifi cato il blocco, per consentire il raff reddamento del termostato fumi.
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All manuals and user guides at ISTRUZIONI TECNICHE PER L’INSTALLAZIONE NORMATIVE DI RIFERIMENTO re non ostruibile e protetta da una griglia che non riduca la sezione utile di passag- gio dell’aria. L’installazione e la prima accensione dell’ap- parecchio deve essere eff ettuata da perso- IMPORTANTE! nale qualifi...
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All manuals and user guides at La sezione dell’apertura deve essere di mi- sura adeguata. SÌ L’apertura è suffi cientemente ampia da con- sentire una aerazione adeguata all’apparec- chio. La sezione dell’apertura è insuffi ciente L’apertura non è suffi ciente ad alimentare l’apparecchio e il caminetto il quale deve avere una apertura propria dl alimentazione d’aria (rivolgersi al costruttore del camino).
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All manuals and user guides at AERAZIONE INDIRETTA Nel caso non sia possibile eff ettuare l’aera- zione direttamente nel locale, si può ricor- rere alla ventilazione indiretta, con prelievo d’aria da un locale attiguo attraverso un’a- deguata apertura praticata nella parte bassa della porta.
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All manuals and user guides at ISTRUZIONE PER L’ACCENSIONE E LO SPEGNIMENTO Le operazioni di accensione e di spegnimento si eff ettuano attraverso sequenze di comando utilizzando gli organi di funzionamento presenti sul pannello di comando, posto anteriormen- te nella parte bassa dello scaldacqua. All’atto della prima installazione sarà...
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All manuals and user guides at Nota importante: Si consiglia portare la temperatura dello scaldacqua al valore massimo (manopola termostato in posizione MAX) almeno ogni due settimane per una durata di circa 6 ore, per ridurre il rischio di formazione di batteri legio- nella nell’acqua pericolosi per la salute.
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All manuals and user guides at RISERVATO ALL’INSTALLATORE Istruzioni per l’adattamento al funzionamento con gas diverso sa quello di taratura ATTENZIONE! Non eseguire nessun lavoro di pulizia o manutenzione senza aver spento lo scaldacqua e aver interrotto l’alimentazione elettrica e chiuso il rubinetto del gas. È assolutamente vietato far funzionare lo scaldacqua con le protezioni delle parti elettriche smontate o con i dispositivi di sicurezza esclusi.
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All manuals and user guides at ATTENZIONE; verifi care che : • il nuovo ugello corrisponda alla dimensioni riportate nella “tabella A” (NB diametro del foro di passaggio del gas riportato in centesimi di millimetro) • le sonde siano completamente inserite nella guaina. •...
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All manuals and user guides at MOVIMENTAZIONE – TRASPORTO - IMBALLO Tale operazione deve essere svolta da personale professionalmente preparato. Assicurarsi che il mezzo di sollevamento e le funi di ancoraggio siano idonee alla massa da sollevare che indicativamente sono riportati nella tabella sotto. Modello 12 P CA-E 16 P CA-E...
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All manuals and user guides at CONSIGLI PER L’USO per una effi cienza di circa cinque anni 1. Per economizzare gas e per un miglior nelle condizioni di esercizio medie. È rendimento dell’apparecchio, è consiglia- comunque preferibile procedere ogni bile lasciare il termostato nella posizione corrispondente al n.
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All manuals and user guides at di sicurezza acqua (limite di temperatu- • Iasciare agire la soluzione ed eff ettuare ra e pressione, valvola idraulica) possibilmente con una pompa, un ricir- • verifi care il funzionamento dei sistemi di colo di acqua tra tubo uscita acqua cal- sicurezza gas (valvola gas, mancanza da e rubinetto di scarico;...
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All manuals and user guides at DATI TECNICI Identifi cativo del modello del fornitore ELECTRONIC Modello 12 HP CA-E 16 HP CA-E 20 HP CA-E Certifi cato CE 0694BN3853 Capacità nominale Capacità reale Pressione nominale Portata termica nominale 10,2 14,2 14,2 Potenza utile...
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All manuals and user guides at RACCOMANDAZIONI PER PREVENIRE LA PROLIFERAZIONE DELLA LEGIONELLA (in base alla norma europea CEN/TR 16355) INFORMATIVA La Legionella è un batterio di piccole dimensioni, a forma di bastoncino ed è un componente naturale di tutte le acque dolci.
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All manuals and user guides at POUR VOTRE SÉCURITÉ En cas d’odeur de gaz: 1. Fermer immédiatement le robinet d’arrivée du gaz. 2. Ouvrir les fenêtres. 3. Ne pas actionner d’interrupteurs électriques ou autres appareils électriques. 4. Éteindre la fl amme pilote. 5.
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All manuals and user guides at CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES L’appareil est constitué de: • une cuve protégée à l’interne par une couche d’émail vitrifi é et dotée d’une anode de protec- tion longue durée contre la corrosion; • un revêtement externe en tôle péinte; •...
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All manuals and user guides at Modèle Figure 1 12P CA-E 16P CA-E 20P CA-E 12HP CA-E 16HP CA-E 20HP CA-E ø - mm ø - mm 1200 1450 1700 1200 1450 1700 1115 1365 1615 1115 1365 1615 175 min 175 min 175 min...
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All manuals and user guides at RACCORDEMENT À LA CHEMINÉE Les gaz brûlés doivent obligatoire- ment être évacués à l’exterieur par le biais d’un tuyau de diamètre adéquat au diamètre L int (tableau dimensions d’encombrement fi g. 1), introduit sur le coupe tirage de l’appareil.
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All manuals and user guides at BRANCHEMENT HYDRAULIQUE • Le branchement au réseau de distri- • Il faut s’assurer, en faisant couler l’e- bution de l’eau doit se faire avec un au pendant un certain temps, que tuyau de 3/4” G. L’entrée de l’eau froi- des corps étrangers ne risquent pas de est à...
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All manuals and user guides at Pour vider le chauff e-eau, il faudra: · fermer le robinet en amont de l’appareil · ouvrir les robinets d’interception en aval du chauff e-eau · ouvrir le robinet de vidange branché auparavant au raccordement R. RACCORDEMENT À...
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All manuals and user guides at BRANCHEMENT ÉLECTRIQUE Pour plus de sûreté, il faut faire ef- Substitution du câble électrique d’alimen- fectuer un contrôle soigné de l’équi- tation: pement électrique par du personnel En cas de substitution du câble électrique qualifi...
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All manuals and user guides at • Bien positionner la hotte des fumées dans les logements prévus à cet eff et dans le haut de l’appareil. • Positionner la conduite adhésive sur l’appareil, en ayant soin de l’aligner avec l’ouverture se trouvant sur le socle et, si nécessaire, en la fi...
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All manuals and user guides at Si l’appareil se bloque, il faut procéder de la façon suivante: • Vérifi er si le branchement électrique n’est pas interrompu ou si les bornes de connexion ne sont pas oxydées. • Attendre 10 minutes à partir du moment où le blocage a eu lieu, pour permettre le refroidis- sement du thermostat des fumées.
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All manuals and user guides at ISTRUZIONI TECNICHE PER L’INSTALLAZIONE NORMES SERVANT DE RÉFÉRENCE permettre l’aération adéquate de l’appareil fi gure 13 = l’ouverture n’est pas suffi sante pour alimenter l’appareil et la cheminée, qui L’installation et l’allumage de l’appareil au doit avoir sa propre ouverture de prise d’air moment du premier démarrage doivent (s’adresser au fabricant de la cheminée),...
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All manuals and user guides at IMPORTANT • Une aération correcte peut être assurée SÌ également par plusieurs ouvertures, à condition que la somme des diff érentes sections corresponde à la section totale qui est nécessaire. • S’il n’est pas possible de faire l’ouverture près du sol, il faut augmenter la section de l’ouverture d’au moins 50%.
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All manuals and user guides at AÉRATION INDIRECTE S’il n’est pas possible d’assurer l’aération di- rectement dans la pièce, on peut prévoir une ventilation indirecte pour prélever de l’air dans une pièce contiguë par une ouverture ayant la taille voulue et se trouvant dans le bas de la porte (fi...
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All manuals and user guides at INSTRUCTIONS POUR L’ALLUMAGE ET L’EXTINCTION Les opérations d’allumage et d’extinction suivent des séquences de commande venant des organes de fonctionnement qui se trouvent sur le panneau des commandes, à l’avant et dans le bas du chauff e-eau. Au moment de l’installation, il faut contrôler: •...
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All manuals and user guides at NOTE: Il est conseillé de régler la température du chauff e-eau sur la valeur ma- ximale (bouton du thermostat en position MAX) au moins toutes les deux semai- nes pendant environ 6 heures, pour réduire le risque de formation de bactéries de légionelle dans l’eau, ce qui serait très dangereux pour la santé.
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All manuals and user guides at RÉSERVÉ À L’INSTALLATEUR Instructions pour l’adaptation en vue du fonctionnement avec un gaz diff érent de celui de réglage PRESCRIPTIONS N’exécuter aucune opération de nettoyage ou d’entretien sans avoir éteint le chauff e- eau, coupé...
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All manuals and user guides at ATTENTION; il faut vérifi er: • si le nouveau gicleur correspond aux dimensions reportées dans le tableau A (NB : le diamètre de l’ouverture pour le passage du gaz est reporté en centièmes de millimètre) ; •...
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All manuals and user guides at MANUTENTION – TRANSPORT - EMBALLAGE Cette opération doit être exécutée par du personnel professionnel. S’assurer que le moyen de levage et les cordes d’ancrage sont adéquats compte tenu de la masse à soulever; ils sont reportés dans le tableau ci-dessous, à titre indicatif. Modèle 12 P CA-E 16 P CA-E...
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All manuals and user guides at CONSEILS POUR L’USAGE compte qu’elle doit présenter une surfa- 1. Afi n d’économiser du gaz et d’obtenir un ce assez homogène. Si son diamètre se meilleur rendement de l’appareil, on con- réduit au-dessous de 10-12 mm, remplacer seille de laisser le thermostat sur la posi- tion correspondante au n.
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All manuals and user guides at • vérifi er l’état du défl ecteur fumées tion d’eau entre le tuyau de sortie de l’eau • vérifi er les caractéristiques de ventila- chaude et le robinet de vidange; tion des lieux et d’évacuation des produits •...
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All manuals and user guides at DONNÉES TECHNIQUES Identifi cation du modèle du fournisseur ELECTRONIC Modèle 12 HP CA-E 16 HP CA-E 20 HP CA-E Certifi cat CE 0694BN3853 Capacité nominale Capacité réelle Pression nominale Débit calorifi que nominal 10,2 14,2 14,2...
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All manuals and user guides at RECOMMANDATIONS POUR EMPÊCHER LA PROLIFÉRATION DES LÉGIONELLES (sur la base de la norme européenne CEN/TR 16335) NOTICE D’INFORMATION Les légionelles sont des bactéries de petite dimension, en forme de bâtonnet, qui se trouvent natu- rellement dans toutes les eaux douces.
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All manuals and user guides at FOR YOUR SAFETY If you smell gas: 1. close the gas tap immediately. 2. open the windows. 3. do not use any electric switches nor any other electrical device. 4. turn off the pilot fl ame. 5.
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All manuals and user guides at TECHNICAL FEATURES The heater is made up of: • a tank protected inside by a layer of vitreous enamel, with a long-life anode for protection against corrosion; • an outer covering in painted steel; •...
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All manuals and user guides at Model Figure 1 12P CA-E 16P CA-E 20P CA-E 12HP CA-E 16HP CA-E 20HP CA-E ø - mm ø - mm 1200 1450 1700 1200 1450 1700 1115 1365 1615 1115 1365 1615 175 min 175 min 175 min...
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All manuals and user guides at CONNECTION TO FLUE by means of a tube of suitable diame- ter to the L int diameter (overall dimen- sions table fi g. 1) inserted on the ap- pliance hood. It is important that the fl ue has a good draft.
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All manuals and user guides at WATER CONNECTIONS • Connect the water heater to the wa- cases may lead to failure. ter distribution system using a 3/4” • If the water heater is to remain out of G pipe. The cold water inlet is to the service in an unheated area with tem- right, while the hot water outlet is on peratures below zero, it is absolutely...
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All manuals and user guides at N.B. complete drainage can be reached by siphoning off the water. Do this by connecting a fl exible hose to the drain fi tting as shown in fi gure 4. RECIRCULATION CONNECTION RECIRCULATION Recirculation: if the user system includes a circuit for recirculation of the sanitary hot water, the same connection R used for drainage can be adopted.
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All manuals and user guides at ELECTRIC SUPPLY For greater safety, have the electric only cables with the same characteristics, system carefully checked by qualifi ed and operate as follows: personnel. The water heater manufac- • same characteristics, and operate as fol- turer is not responsible for any dama- lows: ge caused by failure to connect the he-...
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All manuals and user guides at • Position the fl ue gas hood correctly in the specifi c seats at the top of the heater. • Position the adhesive channel on the heater, making sure that it is in line with the hole in the heater base, and if necessary fasten the channel to the heater casing using the two self drilling screws supplied (fi...
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All manuals and user guides at If the heater locks out (stops) act as follows: • Check whether the electric connection is interrupted or the connection terminals are oxidi- sed. • Wait 10 minutes after the heater stops to allow the fl ue gas thermostat to cool. •...
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All manuals and user guides at TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION REFERENCE STANDARDS DIRECT AERATION To allow installation of type B heaters the fol- Installation and fi rst start-up of the water he- lowing conditions must be respected: The room must have an opening of at ater must be carried out by qualifi...
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All manuals and user guides at • If in the heater room there are other de- vices that need air for their operation, the SÌ section of the aeration opening must be adequately sized (as in the case of elec- tric extractor fans, see fi...
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All manuals and user guides at INDIRECT AERATION If the heater room cannot be aerated directly, indirect ventilation can be used, taking the air from a nearby room via an opening at the foot of the door (fi gure 12-13). This solution is possible however only if: a) the nearby room has adequate direct ven- tilation as foreseen for direct aeration;...
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All manuals and user guides at INSTRUCTIONS FOR STARTING AND STOPPING The ignition and switch off operations are carried out via command sequences using the con- trols on the control panel which is at the lower front of the water heater. During initial installation we suggest you check that: •...
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All manuals and user guides at NORMAL SWITCH OFF Pressing the switch 4. in position “0” (fi gure 15) turns off the electric supply to the water heater and shuts down the fl ame through closure of the gas valve. However, we suggest you also shut off...
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All manuals and user guides at RESERVED FOR THE INSTALLER Instructions for adjustment to functioning with gas Diff erent to that of calibration Do not clean the water heater or carry out any maintenance without fi rst switching the heater off...
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All manuals and user guides at WARNING: check that • A (NB: the gas orifi ce diameter is shown in hundredths of a millimetre) • the sensors are completely inserted in their sheaths. • The electric connections are perfectly made and connected. •...
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All manuals and user guides at HANDLING - TRANSPORT - PACKING These operations must be carried out by professionally trained personnel. Make sure that the lifting gear and slings are adequate for the weights to be lifted as shown indicatively in the Table below.
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All manuals and user guides at USE AND INSTALLATION RECOMMENDATIONS mind that it must have a suffi ciently even 11. To save gas and for improved appliance surface. When the diameter falls below 10- performance, we recommend leaving the 12 mm, we recommend replacing it with thermostat in position corresponding (fi...
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All manuals and user guides at • verifying the ventilation features of the Attention to the water quality! premises and evacuation of the combu- To assure maximum duration of your applian- stion products. ce, respect certain rules: • cleaning the fumes duct. LIMESTONE WATER: envision an effi...
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All manuals and user guides at TECHNICAL DATA Supplier’s model identifi er ELECTRONIC Model 12 HP CA-E 16 HP CA-E 20 HP CA-E Certifi cate CE 0694BN3853 Nominal capacity Real capacity Nominal pressure Nominal heat rating 10,2 14,2 14,2 Useful rating 12,1 12,5...
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All manuals and user guides at Recommendations for prevention of Legionella growth (based on European standard CEN/TR 16355) INFORMATIVE Legionella are small rod shaped bacteria which are a natural constituent of all fresh waters. Legionaries’ disease is a serious pneumonia infection caused by inhaling the bacteria Legionella pneu- mophilia or other Legionella species.
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at Ariston Thermo SpA Viale Aristide Merloni 45 - 60044 Fabriano (AN) Italy Telefono 0732 6011 - Fax 0732 602331 420010660100 - 06/2015...