16. Secure the servo in the mount with the servo retention plate and
two screws. Ensure the screw heads sit below the servo hatch
mounting surface and the screws don't damage the outer surface
of the wing panel.
17. Connect a 24" servo extension to the servo lead and secure with
a clip or heat shrink tubing. Thread the extension through the
wing root end of the wing panel, using a long plastic pushrod or
weighted string as before.
18. Cut the pushrods to 79mm length.
19. Install the pushrod to the flap horn and servo arm. Deflect the flap
down and insert one end of the pushrod through the hole in the
trailing edge of the wing and connect it to the servo arm. Connect
the other end of the pushrod to the flap control horn.
ASH 31 6.4M ARF
20. Install the servo hatch to the wing with tape as done on the outer
wing panel.
21. Install anti-rotation pins in the root end of the panel with epoxy.
Wipe away any excess epoxy with paper towel and alcohol.
22. Trim and attach the flap pushrod exit cover to the top of the wing
using contact cement.
23. Repeat steps 1–22 for the opposite inner wing panel.