lustrations presented in this booklet. How ever, this
w ill not reduce safety or invalidate the information
supplied to this regard.
3 . S A F E T Y I N F O R M A T I O N
3 . 1
C a r e f u l l y r e a d
t h e
b e f o r e s t a r t i n g , u s i n g , p e r f o r m i n g
d u l e d o r r o u t i n e m a i n t e n a n c e o r a n y o t h e r
w o r k o n t h e m a c h i n e .
R i g o r o u s l y
c o m p l y
t i o n s p r o v i d e d i n
t h i s m a n u a l a n d i n
f o r t h e b a t t e r i e s a n d b a t t e r y c h a r g e r s ( w i t h
p a r t i c u l a r a t t e n t i o n t o w a r n i n g s a n d d a n g e r
n o t i c e s ) .
T h e m a n u f a c t u r e r w i l l n o t b e h e l d
s i b l e
f o r i n j u r i e s t o
p r o p e r t y
d u e
t o
n o n - c o m p l i a n c e
a f o r e m e n t i o n e d i n s t r u c t i o n s .
Before using the machine, make sure that each
part is in the correct position.
The machine can only be used by personnel
w ho have received appropriate training, w ho have
proven their skills and w ho have been ex pressly
assigned to use it. To avoid unauthorized use,
keep the machine in a place that denies access to
unauthorized personnel w hen not being used and
remove the key from the control panel.
Minors are prohibited from using the machine.
Do not operate this machine for any other pur-
pose ex cept for the use for w hich it w as specifically
designed. Evaluate the type of building w here it w ill
be utilized and rigorously comply w ith the current
safety regulations and conditions.
Do not use the machine in places w ithout ade-
quate lighting, in ex plosive environments, w hen
harmful dirt is present (dust, gas, etc.), on roads or
public passagew ays and in outdoor environments
in general.
The machine operating temperature range is
+4°C to + 35°C; w hen not being used, store the
machine in a dry and non-corrosive environment
w ithin a temperature range of betw een + 10°C and
+ 50°C.
When using the machine under any condition the
humidity must range betw een 30% and 95%.
N e v e r u s e o r v a c u u m
d u s t , a c i d s a n d s o l v e n t s ( e . g . p a i n t t h i n n e r s ,
a c e t o n e , e t c . ) , e v e n i f d i l u t e d , i n f l a m m a b l e s
o r e x p l o s i v e s ( e . g . p e t r o l , f u e l o i l , e t c . ) ; n e v e r
v a c u u m
f l a m i n g o r i n c a n d e s c e n t o b j e c t s .
Do not use the machine on slopes or ramps
steeper than 2%.
For small slopes, do not use the machine sidew ays,
alw ays handle it w ith caution and never move
backw ards. When transporting the machine on
steeper ramps or slopes, be very careful to avoid
tipping and/or uncontrolled accelerations.
The machine can be handled on ramps and/or
steps only w ith the brush head and squeegee lifted
All manuals and user guides at
" i n s t r u c t i o n
m a n u a l "
u n s c h e -
w i t h
a l l t h e
i n s t r u c -
t h o s e
r e s p o n -
p e r s o n s o r d a m a g e
w i t h
l i q u i d s , g a s e s , d r y
off the ground.
N e v e r p a r k t h e m a c h i n e o n a s l o p e .
Never leave the machine unattended w ith the
key in and connected; it may be left only after
having disconnected it and taken the key out and
guaranteeing against accidental movements and,
if necessary, disconnecting it from the electrical
pow er supply.
Make sure there are no other persons, and
children in particular, in the area w here the ma-
chine is being used.
Do not use the machine to transport persons/
things or to tow
Do not use the machine as a support surface for
any w eight for any reason.
Do not block the ventilation and heat dispersion
t o
t h e
Do not remove, modify or by-pass the safety
Alw ays use individual safety devices to ensure
operator safety: aprons or safety overalls, non-slip
and w aterproof shoes, rubber gloves, goggles and
earphones, and masks to protect the respiratory
tract. Before starting to w ork, remove necklaces,
w atches, ties and other obj ects that may cause
serious inj uries.
Do not insert hands betw een moving parts.
Do not use detergents that differ from those
required and follow
the relative safety sheets. Detergents should be
stored in a place that is inaccessible to children.
In case of contact w ith the eyes, rinse immediately
w ith copious amounts of w ater and, if sw allow ed,
immediately consult a physician.
Make sure that the battery charger pow er sockets
are connected to an efficient earthing system and
that they are protected by magneto thermal and
differential circuit breakers.
the battery manufacturer's instructions
and comply w ith legal provisions. The batteries
should alw ays be clean and dry to avoid surface
leakage currents. Protect the batteries against im-
purities, such as metallic dust.
If the machine is equipped w ith gel batteries it
is essential to make sure the run-dow n indicator
(located on the panel) is adj usted correctly. Contact
your dealer or refer to the specific paragraph.
Do not place tools on top of the batteries: they
may cause a short-circuit or an ex plosion.
When using battery acid, rigorously respect the
relative safety instructions. In the presence of par-
ticularly strong magnetic fields, evaluate the possi-
ble effect on electronic control devices.
Never spray w ater on the machine to clean it.
Recovered fluids contain detergents, disinfec-
tants, w ater, as w ell as organic and inorganic ma-
terial collected during w ork operations: dispose of
them in accordance w ith current legal provisions.
If the machine malfunctions and/or operates
inefficiently, turn it off immediately (disconnecting
obj ects. Do not tow
the machine.
the instructions indicated on