move the entire door assembly by removing the four
(4) screws securing the door hinges to the fireplace.
Replace with a new door assembly. Contact your near-
est Vermont Castings Group Dealer for replacement
Before Each Use of the Fireplace
1. Inspect the firebox to be sure it is clean and ready for
use. Remove excessive ashes.
2. Make sure your firescreen and air inlet/outlet grilles are
clean and unobstructed.
3. Inspect the hearth and firebox liner for cracks or dam-
age. Make sure flue is unobstructed and damper is
completely open.
In the Spring -
After Last Seasonal Use of the Fireplace
1. Inspect the chimney top housing, removing any foreign
2. Inspect the flue for obstructions and remove them if any
are found.
3. Inspect completely the chimney top for corrosion, replac-
ing any structurally weakened parts.
. Inspect the chimney flashing. This is the first place to
look if you are having any roof leakage problem. Check
for ruptured areas such as nail heads and seams. Seal
any area found.
5. Clean the complete fireplace.
Replacement Parts
Replacement parts for your fireplace can be obtained from
your Vermont Castings Group Dealer. For information on
replacement parts that are available, refer to installation
and homeowner's manual provided with each accessory.
Should you need additional information beyond what your
dealer can furnish, contact:
Vermont Castings Group
19 Cleveland Drive
Paris, KY 0361
Troubleshooting Guide
Your fireplace is designed, safety tested and manufactured
for trouble-free operation. Due to atmosphere, home en-
vironment and improper operating procedures, you may
encounter the following common situation(s) that you can
remedy yourself. If your situation cannot be corrected,
contact your local Vermont Castings Group Dealer for
Smoking Problems
Smoking occurs when fire is started
Your chimney and flue are probably cold. Place a piece of
newspaper on the top log and start burning just before you
start your crumpled up paper and kindling. This newspaper
will burn rapidly, warming up the flue faster.
All manuals and user guides at
Smoking is constant
Your damper may be closed. Check damper and make
sure damper is in the open position. If your fireplace is
equipped with an adjustable damper, WMC/CWC Series,
check damper setting. In some cases, the lowest damper
setting will reduce the flue draft and smoking will occur.
Open damper until smoke discontinues.
You may have an obstruction in your flue or debris in or on
chimney top. Check for obstruction and remove. If you fail
to inspect your chimney flue as recommended, creosote
buildup may have reduced the flue area. Check chimney
flue as described in maintenance procedure.
Your fire may be too far forward in the firebox. Push your
fire toward the back of firebox with a suitable tool If a bas-
ket grate larger than the supplied or recommended size
is used, smoking would occur. Replace basket grate with
model specified and listed on Page 12.
You may not be using a grate to keep your fire up off the
hearth. This is important to get the proper draft. Let the fire
die out and rebuild per previous instructions. Your chimney
top may not be high enough above your roof. It may be
necessary to increase the height of your chimney top. Con-
tact your dealer for chimney top extension and other parts
needed. See your chimney top installation instructions.
Smoking Occurs After the Fire has been Burning for
Some Time
In fueling and tending the fire, your fire may have worked
forward in the firebox. Push your fire toward the back of
the firebox with a suitable tool.
If your home is tightly sealed and well insulated, the lack of
sufficient combustion air will cause a smoking condition. If
your fireplace is equipped with outside air, check and make
sure air control is open. If your fireplace is not equipped with
outside air, slightly open a door or window. In either case
smoking should discontinue. Since the optional outside
air system is very difficult to add after initial installation is
completed, the solution would be to add a fresh air vent to
the home or continue to open a door or window.
If your home is tightly sealed and equipped with a forced
air heating system, kitchen and/or bathroom ventilation
fans, smoking may occur only when these items are in use.
Slightly open a door or window when system(s) is running.
If smoking stops, your problem is insufficient makeup air
in the home. These systems are using the open fireplace
flue to meet their air needs. As a solution, install a fresh air
vent in the room or area requiring the most replacement
air. A qualified heating contractor can help you.
Smoking is Intermittent When the Wind is Coming from
a Certain Direction or is Blowing Hard
You probably are experiencing a downdraft situation in your
chimney. This situation can be caused by the chimney top
being too low or nearby obstructions such as buildings,
trees or even a high portion of your home. In some cases
a wind deflector can be added to the rain cap, or it may