Dichiarazione di conformità per tutti i paesi della EU disponibile sul sito web www.bitronvideo.com
Frequenza di trasmissione, 868,35MHz
Melodie disponibili, 3 oppure 6 secondo i modelli.
Volume massimo 86dB.
Flash per il modello ECHOFLASH energia assorbita ca. 0,5J
Dimensioni ECO 150x115x40 mm.
Dimensioni ECHOFLASH 127x61x45 mm.
Dimensione trasmettitore 36x97x18 mm.
Alimentazione elettrica (vedi capitolo relativo)
Temperatura funzionamento ricevitore (5°.... 40°C ), trasmettitore (-15° .......50°C).
This manual contains product installation, configuration and operation instructions.
It is necessary to read it carefully before installing and using this product.
Thank you for choosing our product.
The ECO 1 and ECOFLASH 1 kits described here are used to send wireless signals for repeating the
acoustic or visual signal of a bell. The models described in this manual are called "EC" and "EF" (see
Fig. 1).
The product is GUARANTEED free from factory faults for 2 YEARS.
Read the warnings contained in this manual carefully: you will find important indications concerning installation
safety, use and maintenance.
All system components comply with the laws in force and therefore must only be used for the
purposes for which they were designed.
All other use is considered improper and consequently dangerous. The manufacturer shall not
liable for damage deriving from improper, incorrect or unreasonable use.
The system must be installed according to the laws in force an by qualified personel.
The indoor free range is approximately 200 metres (see table on page 3).
A space is provided for connecting wires on the bottom wall of "EC" receivers (Fig. 2).
Remove from packaging and check that the device is not damaged. Keep the packaging (plastic
bags, etc.) away from children because they are potentially dangerous.
Before starting cleaning or maintenance, disconnect the "EF" receiver from the electrical power
mains. Do not cover the receiver with paper, material, curtains, etc. Avoid contact with sources of
heat, flames, etc.
The systems must be installed in areas protected from water, rain and water spray.
Avoid staring at the flasher of receivers with optical indicator.
Contact a technical service centre authorised by the manufacturer for repairs.
Disrespect of the above may compromise the safety of the device.
The transmitter can be powered in two ways, either using a 9V (6LR61 alkaline) battery or directly
via the ringer of the device to which it is connected.
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Pag. 5
Fastening in doorphones
Open the doorphone, insert the nut in the specific seat with screw and spacer washer (Fig. 3),
fasten the board (Fig. 4 - 4B) and connect as shown in the respective diagrams (Page 15 -18).
Handle the electronic components and the antenna on the board with care: deforming the parts
may have a negative effect on operation.
ECO receiver fastening procedure
The ECO receiver can be fastened to the wall using hole "A" (Fig. 6) or fastened to the wall by
means of screws and wall plugs by perforating points "B" (Fig. 6). To do this, open the front flap
in the point shown in (Fig. 13).
The ECO receiver must be powered by four 1.5 V (LR14/C) batteries, not included (Fig. 7).
Plug the ECOFLASH receiver into a 230Vca 50Hz power socket (Fig. 8). The device will be
physically turned by 90° when plugged into an Italian socket. This could cause a minimal
reduction in range.
Sound type selection procedure (MELODY function)
To choose the sound (applicable for the two "EC" and EF" models only), repeatedly press "T2" to
start searching the available melodies. LED 2 will blink during the selection (Fig. 9 - 10). The
selected melody will be assigned to the last transmitter which sent a command. The melody will
be repeated twice (Fig. 10). ). Note: in order to avoid possible dazzling during the selection of the
melodies the LED will blink thus simulating the flash that, however, will be visible only during the
normal operation.
FLASH programming procedure
The ECOFLASH receiver can be programmed to blink only (without sound). Press T2 until no
melody is heard. LED 2 will keep blinking (Fig. 10).
Volume adjustment procedure
The melody volume can be adjusted in ECO receivers by turning the knob shown (Fig. 9).
WARNING: alarm signals are always played at maximum volume.
Ringer MUTE function
Hold "T2" pressed for at least 3 seconds until LED 2 blinks briefly. The ringer will be muted (Fig. 9
- 10). LED 2 will blink to indicate muting (applicable to the two "EC" and "EF" models). Press
"T1" or "T2" briefly to reactivate the ringer. It is advisable to remove the batteries if the device is
not used for a long time. The blinking will also be deactivated when the ringer is muted in
versions with flasher (Fig. 10).