- Close the clamp by turning the lever fully back.
- Lift gently to allow lifting force to be applied; check whether the clamp is slipping.
- If the load is slipping, read this Chapter 5 - Lifting again.
- If the load continues to slip, refer to Chapter 6 - Maintenance.
- Make sure that the load is in a stable position before loosening the clamp from the plate.
- Check the general condition of the clamp at least once a month, see also Chapter 7 - Di-
- Stop using the clamp if:
- the body is split or deformed, in particular in way of the corners of the jaws,
- the lifting shackle and/or connecting piece or MP fork (if applicable) are visibly defor-
- the cam and/or pivot teeth are no longer sharp,
- the spring has become stretched or broken,
- the lever locking mechanism has become inefficient or has ceased to work,
- the shackle pins are visibly deformed,
- any retaining pins are missing,
- the keyway groove is dirty,
- the marking on the clamp is no longer legible.
Depending on the defects/malfunctions noted:
- disassemble and clean the clamp (see Chapter 7 - Disassembling/Assembling or have the
clamp overhauled by Terrier Lifting Clamps B.V. or another recognized mechanical repair
center (see Chapter 8 - Overhauling).
- Open the clamp to its full extent.
- Remove the tension spring (9); in the case
of 0,75 TS, 1TS(E), 1,5 TS , 2 & 3 TSE first re-
move the retaining pin in the cam assembly
- Remove the retaining pin (10) and the cam
pin (7).
- Push the lifting shackle (5) in until the shac-
kle pin (6) can be removed via the moun-
ting hole.
- Remove the lifting shackle (5) and the cam
assembly (2).
- Dismantle the lever (4) by removing the re-
taining pin (10) and take the lock assembly
(3) out of the clamp.
- Remove the pivot (8) using a socket and
ring spanner.
- Clean all parts with a standard degreasant.
- Grease all shackle pins with a bearing grease.
- Oil the spring if necessary.
- Assemble all the parts in reverse order.
- Always insert new original retaining pins (10) and do so with the aid of a hammer, com-
bination pliers and pin punch.
- Always fit a new pivot bolt (11) and nut (12).
- When replacing parts always use original Terrier components.
- Remove any burr with a file.
- Open the clamp to its full extent.
- Remove the tension spring (9); in the
case of the 0,75 TSMP, 1TS(E)MP , 1,5
TSMP , 2 & 3 TSEMP first remove the re-
taining pin (10) in the cam assembly.
- Remove the retaining pin (10) and the
cam pin (7).
- Remove the retaining pin (10) and the
link pin (14).
- Remove the lifting shackle (5).
- Push the fork (15) in until the shackle
pin can be removed via the mounting
hole (6).
- Remove the fork (15) and the cam as-
sembly (2).
- Disassemble the lever (4) by removing
the retaining pin (10) and take the lock
assembly (3) out of the clamp.
- Remove the pivot (8) using a socket and
ring spanner.
- Clean all parts with a standard degrea-
- Grease all shackle pins with bearing
- Oil the spring if necessary.
- Assemble all the parts in reverse order.
- Always insert new original retaining pins (10) and do so with the aid of a hammer, com-
bination pliers and pin punch.
- Always fit a new pivot bolt (11) and nut (12).
- When replacing parts always use original Terrier components.
- Remove any burr with a file.