Notes Légales; Exclusion De Responsabilité Pour Les Dommages Indirects; Fcc Information (Usa) - Arturia MICROBRUTE Manuel De L'utilisateur

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7. Notes légales
Exclusion de responsabilité pour les dommages indirects
Ni ARTURIA ni qui que ce soit ayant été impliqué dans la création, la production, ou la
livraison de ce produit ne sera responsable des dommages directs, indirects,
consécutifs, ou incidents survenant du fait de l'utilisation ou de l'incapacité d'utilisation
de ce produit (y compris, sans s'y limiter, les dommages pour perte de profits
équivalents) même si ARTURIA a été précédemment averti de la possibilité de tels
dommages. Certaines législations ne permettent pas les limitations de la durée d'une
garantie implicite ou la limitation des dommages incidents ou consécutifs, auquel cas
les limitations ou exclusions ci-dessus peuvent ne pa s'appliquer à vous. Cette garantie
vous confère des droits juridiques particuliers, et vous pouvez également avoir d'autres
droits variant d'une juridiction à une autre.

FCC Information (USA)

DO NOT MODIFY THE UNIT! This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions
contained in this manual, meets FCC requirements. Modifications not expressly
approved by ARTURIA may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the product.
IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to accessories and/or another product, use
only high quality shielded cables. Cable (s) supplied with this product MUST be used.
Follow all installation instructions. Failure to follow instructions could void your FFC
authorization to use this product in the USA.
NOTE: This product has been tested and found to comply with the limit for a Class B
Digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide
a reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential environment. This
equipment generates, uses and radiates radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used according to the instructions found in the users manual, may cause
interferences harmful to the operation to other electronic devices. Compliance with
FCC regulations does not guarantee that interferences will not occur in all the
installations. If this product is found to be the source of interferences, which can be
determined by turning the unit "OFF" and "ON", please try to eliminate the problem by
using one of the following measures:
• Relocate either this product or the device that is affected by the interference.
• Use power outlets that are on a different branch (circuit breaker or fuse) circuits or
Manuel utilisateur Arturia Microbrute


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