IntEGRatIon oF stREaM 1 to tHE HoME
WIFI-lan nEtWoRK
Be insured that Stream 1 does belong to your wifi network
(see page 9 if not). The smartphone or/and the tablet to be
used with the Cabasse Stream Audio Control application
must be also wifi connected to the same network.
The Cabasse Stream Audio Control applications are available
for free on Google Store for the Android versions and on the
App Store for the iPhone and iPad versions.
You are free to install the application on several devices and
use them to drive one single Stream 1 or several ones.
IMPORTANT: the Cabasse Stream Audio Control application
can be opened only if minimum one Stream 1 or another au-
dio player based on the Cabasse application is within reach.
Download and install the application for your ta-
blet or smartphone. Launch the application with a
push on the white Cabasse icon displayed.
2 lines must appear under the
rotating wheel on the start window of the
- The confirmation of the wifi connec-
tion: here "belkin.221"
- The confirmation that a Stream 1 sys-
tem is being detected
the application might
detect several players. If so select in "Set-
tings/Audio Devices" the Stream 1 to be
used as the default audio
If no Stream 1 is being detected during the launch of the appli-
cation the above window will be replaced by a warning signal.
Check that the Stream 1 is powered ON (Power LED green
enlightened) or on "FULL AUTO" stand-by mode (Power LED
red enlightened).
The application gives a quick
access to all the audio sources
available in the network.
The 3 tabs of both Android
and IOS versions of the ap-
plication are:
"Music" tab : it lists all the available storage de-
vices (Digital Media Servers):
- In any case the sub-tabs "My Play-list" and "Stream 1-xxx.."
- Other connected DMS such as shown here above:
o a USB stick: here connected to the USB connector
of the Belkin router
o a multimedia hard disk: here named MyBookLive
a computer: here a Windows 7 based PC.
"Play" tab: it displays the file being played and the
ones selected in the sub-tabs of the "Music" tab
with the "Add to Queue" option.
All manuals and user guides at
o The Tablet or Phone sub-tab enables to choose in the View
Mode between "Graphical View" and "List View", to rescan
Digital Media Servers in the network, to reset application set-
For a smartphone, the sub-tag "Incoming call" enables the fol-
lowing settings when the phone rings:
- do nothing: music continues to play at same level
- mute volume: the music continues to play but is muted
- pause: music is paused and start playing again once the call
has ended.
o The Audio Devices sub-tab lists all the Stream 1 systems avai-
lable in the network, enables the identification of the default
player and the renaming of the players.
(J paragraph, page 25)
o "Information" tab: check if the reference number of the
downloaded version of the application matches with the one
of the latest version available.
in addition to the direct access by selecting tabs and sub-tabs
eases the navigation.
ATTENTION: if you don't pause the current track before
exiting the program or shutting down the tablet or smart-
phone, the wifi transmission of the files listed in the Queue on
the "Play" tab will carry on to the end of the list.
"Settings" tab with 4 sub-tabs:
"Zone" tab: create and set groups of Stream players
The buttons on the bottom of
the application depends upon
the page displayed. Their use
Exit: press this button to exit the application. This but-
ton appears only at the highest level of browsing of any
Back: press this button to navigate back to the previous
Home: press Home to return to the entry level of the tab
Sound ON: press the button to Mute the sound
Mute: press the button to get the sound back on
Help: this button gives specific help and hints at each
level of navigation