Open Source Licensing
This product contains software components that are licensed by the holder of the
rights under GNU General Public License (GPL), GNU Lesser General Public License
(LGPL) or any other Open Source Software license, which requires that source code
be made available. The complete list of licenses is available on the MX300 and can be
displayed with the help of the MyBuderus App.
The source code of these software components is not already delivered together with
this product. You can obtain the source code for these software components on a
physical medium (CD or DVD) by submitting a written request to our open source
office address listed below. When sending such a request, please name the relevant
product and the date of purchase of the same.
Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH
Plant Lollar
PO box 11 61
35453 Lollar
We may charge you a fee (up to max. 20 €) to cover the cost of physical media and
You may send your request (i) within three (3) years from the date you received the
product that included the binary that is the subject of your request or (ii) in the case
of code licensed under the GPL v3 for as long as Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH offers
spare parts or customer support for that product.
Déclaration de protection des données
Pour permettre une télésurveillance ainsi qu'une commande à distance d'un système
de chauffage/de ventilation Buderus avec ce produit, une connexion internet est
indispensable. Une fois la connexion établie, ce produit établit automatiquement une
connexion à un serveur Buderus. Ce faisant, les données de connexion, notamment
l'adresse IP, sont automatiquement transmises et traitées par Buderus Thermotech-
nik. Ce traitement de données peut être réglé en réinitialisant les réglages de base de
MX300 – 6720892215 (2020/10)
Open Source Licensing