• 1 chest of drawers
• 12 toy tiles
Let's learn how to play
First of all have fun with your child discovering the games contents. Look at the
First of all have fun with your child discovering the games contents. Look at the
illustrations of the cards with them and discuss what the cards are showing.
illustrations of the cards with them and discuss what the cards are showing.
Show your child how the drawer works and let them experience the toys
Show your child how the drawer works and let them experience the toys
placement in the drawers through free play.
Aim of the game – Basic level
Collaborative memory game from 1 up to 4 players
Let's put in order the highest number of toys exactly recalling where they have been placed.
Set up
Choose 6 toy tiles (we
recommend 2 for each
Thank you for choosing this item of the Family Games Line.
Thank you for choosing this item of the Family Games Line.
This game helps your baby develop their skills as well as learning how to
This game helps your baby develop their skills as well as learning how to
socialise; it helps them to accept rules, learn new concepts, solve problems, test
socialise; it helps them to accept rules, learn new concepts, solve problems, test
their skills learning from others (both adults and peers) and gradually learn how
their skills learning from others (both adults and peers) and gradually learn how
to play with them. Furthermore, playing gives you the opportunity to get to
to play with them. Furthermore, playing gives you the opportunity to get to
know your child even more and establish a deeper relationship with them while
know your child even more and establish a deeper relationship with them while
Place the chest of drawers
on the table. Place the toy
tiles in front of the
drawers, making sure to
turn down the images of
the toys.
• 12 toy cards
• 48 "shoe" tiles – 12 for each colour
Take a set of 12 shoe