Switching off the cleaner
Coil up connecting cable.
Coil up high-pressure hose and attach to handle.
Place hand gun in holder.
If period of non-operation is more than 1 week drain and flush
pressure vessel.
If period of non-operation is less than 1 week, cleaning
agent/disinfectant can be left in pressure vessel.
In this case, dismantle and rinse nozzle.
Draining pressure vessel
Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
Observe cleaning agent/disinfectant manufacturer's notes on safety and
Always wear protective clothing, mask, protective goggles, rubber boots
and rubber gloves.
Pull power plug
Dissipate pressure
Pull of air hose.
If vessel is nearly empty (light): Slacken off bracket and lift out tank.
If tank is full (heavy):
Pull hose with hand gun through handle.