12. Warranty conditions
This product has been designed, manufactured and tested with the greatest care. Should this product be used in accordance with the
instructions and its intended use, a warranty will apply under the following conditions:
The supplier guarantees the reliability of the product and the quality of the materials used for the product.
We will rectify any defects that are covered by the warranty by replacing the defective part, or the product itself, or by supplying a
part for replacement.
Not covered by the warranty are any defects that occur as a result of the following:
Use of the product contrary to its intended use or contrary to the instructions for use.
Normal wear and tear of the product.
Assembly or repair by the client or by third parties (with the exception of fitting the spare parts provided by the supplier as
indicated above under point 2).
Any modified governmental regulations concerning the nature or quality of the material used in the product.
Any defects that are found upon the delivery of the product should be reported immediately to the supplier. Should notification of
these effects not take place immediately, the warranty will be null and void. To make a claim under the warranty, the supplier or
your dealer has to be provided with the proof of purchase.
Any defects of the product have to be reported to the supplier or your dealer as soon as possible, but in any case within 14 days of
the defect being found.
a) Should a claim be made under the warranty conditions, the supplier has to have the opportunity to be able to investigate the
product in its Quality Centre The client must make the product available for this purpose. Should it be established during the
investigation that the product has been used incorrectly, the costs of the investigation will be charged to the client.
b) Should the client ask for an investigation to be carried out by an independent institute, the costs for this investigation are at the
expense of the client should it be established during the investigation that the product has been used incorrectly. The costs of the
investigation are also at the expense of the client if, prior to this investigation, the supplier offered to repair or to replace the
product at no charge to the client.
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whether electronically, mechanically by photocopying, recording, or in any other way, without prior permission of Wienese. This
publication may only be used for Wienese products. Misprints and printing errors reserved.