• This is an addendum to the User Instructions for the 3M Speedglas Auto-Darkening Welding Helmets and the
associated hard hat models listed in Table 1. Always read and follow the User Instructions provided with each individual
component of any welding helmet or hard hat assembly. User Instructions include important warnings and use
limitations. Failure to do so may result in sickness or death.
• This product meets the requirements of certain industrial eyewear and face, and head protection standards. It does
not provide complete eye and face protection from significant impact and penetration and is not a substitute for good
safety practices and engineering controls. Misuse may result in serious bodily injury or death. For correct use,
consult your supervisor and User Instructions or contact 3M Technical Service in the U.S.A. at 1-800-243-4630. In
Canada, call Technical Service at 1-800-267-4414.
• Do not use any welding shield or head protection products without appropriate training.
Important: To maintain ANSI compliance, use only the exact components listed in the User Instructions.
• Do not modify or use parts or accessories other than those described in these User Instructions. Failure to do so may
result in serious injury or death.
Two ANSI standards cover performance requirements for welding shields combined with hard hats: Z87.1- Eye and Face
Protection Devices and Z89.1 Industrial Head Protection. Both standards require welding helmets and hard hats to be
tested as a complete assembly, as they would be worn by a welder. Assembling a welding hard hat using components from
different manufacturers or brands voids ANSI compliance unless tests verify that the assemblies remain compliant with the
ANSI requirements. These User Instructions cover the 3M™ Speedglas™ 100 series welding helmet and 9002NC, mounted
to certain hard hats that have been independently tested for compliance with the above referenced ANSI standards. In all
cases, the 3M™ Speedglas™ 100 Series/9002NC Hardhat Adapter for 3M™ Speedglas™ 100 Series/9002NC helmets
(part number 07-0014-00NR) was used as the mounting device.
IMPORTANT: To maintain ANSI compliance, use only the exact components listed in these User Instructions.
- Eye and Face Impact: ANSI Z87.1 high impact protector (Z87+)
- Head Impact: ANSI Z89.1, Type I (top impact)
Hard Hat Options
The configurations that were tested and passed the above referenced ANSI impact test requirements are summarized in
Table 1. Use with hardhats other than those listed in Table 1 have not been tested as complete assemblies and would void
compliance with the above reference ANSI standards.
Table 1. Hard Hat Options
Hard Hat Model
H-700 Series
V-Gard Slotted Cap, White,
w/Fas-Trac III Suspension
Fibre Metal, Roughneck™
P2 White, Swingstrap
*NOTE: Testing performed on hardhats listed in Table 1 in 2021. 3M does not control future changes made in safety hard
hats and makes no guarantee that the hard hat performance will not change over time.
Assembly Instructions
1. Follow Figs. 1-5 to properly remove and replace the 3M™ Speedglas™ headgear with the 3M™ Speedglas™ 100
Series/9002NC Hardhat Adapter.
2. Attach the 3M™ Speedglas™ 100 Series/9002NC assembly to the hardhat as shown in Fig. 3 and adjust the Hardhat
Adapter "pin lock" for a tight fit around the hardhat as shown in Fig. 4 and 5 for a completed assembly.
Hard Hat Part Number