Setting up a locomotive and running it
We are showing here how an mfx locomotive registers itself. Other ways to register a loco-
motive can be found in the instructions accompanying the 60657 Mobile Station in the section
„Setting up a Locomotive".
Place the locomotive on the track, then turn it on
with the "STOP" button. The locomotive will regis-
ter itself and will be taken into the memory area of
your Mobile Station. The locomotive is now ready
to be used.
For Example
A locomotive can be controlled with the speed control knob. Functions present on the
locomotive can be turned on with the function buttons.
For Example
Turning func-
tions on by
pressing the
button by the
Changing the direction
by pressing the speed
Controlling the speed.
control knob.
More information for operating the Mobile Station can be found in the extensive instruction
manual for this product included with this set.
Turning func-
tions on by
pressing the
button by the
Emergency stop and track current turned off, no opera-
tion is possible. This situation can happen when you have
pressed the Stop button or when a short circuit happens on
the layout.
Track current turned on, locomotives can be run, turnouts
can be controlled. You must press the Stop button in order
to turn operation on or resume operation after correcting a
short circuit.