EN – English
Place the HRKTP head ring positioner onto the head ring (Optional)
Using the head ring positioner helps support
the weight of the head ring assembly during
placement on the patient.
Photos represent the HRKTP head ring
positioner being used with the HRAIM head
ring and are for illustrative reference only. The
steps for using the HRKTP with the UCHRA
are similar.
1. Place the head ring over the patient's head.
The head ring can be placed in any rotational
orientation on the patient's head; targeting
is not affected. It should be placed on the
patient's head inferior to the target in order
for the localization frame to encapsulate the
17 . Chapter 3 . Assembling the Universal Compact Head Ring
Caution: Avoid the temporalis muscle.
Head Ring Positioner (HRKTP)