(in compliance with Directive 2006/42/EC - Annex II part A)
The undersigned (Ernesto Gentili) as legal representative of the company:
Gentili Tecnology Equipment di Gentili Aldo e Ernesto S.a.s.
based in Bagnarola di Cesenatico (FC) ITALY - Via Balitrona, 12
hereby declares that:
the ladder management system
which serves to manage loading and unloading of ladders
from vehicle roofs, quickly,easily and safely
brand name: G2000 HARRIER
has been tested by the company prior to commissioning and fully
complies with Directive 2006/42/EC.
The person authorised to compile the technical file is the Technical Manager
of the company Gentili Tecnology Equipment di Gentili Aldo e Ernesto S.a.s.
Bagnarola di Cesenatico (FC) ITALY - Via Balitrona 12
Bagnarola di Cesenatico, 01/10/2014
The Legal Representative
(Gentili Ernesto)