Playback Controls:
The button is for rewinding the recorded video while playing back. Press the button
repeatedly to increase the speed of reverse playback by 1×, 2×, 4×, 8×, 16×, or 32×.
The button is used to play the recorded video fast forward. Press the button
repeatedly to increase the speed of forward playback by 1×, 2×, 4×, 8×, 16×, or 32×.
Press FREEZE to pause the playback video. When the recorded video is paused,
press LEFT / RIGHT to resume playback video single step reverse / forward
respectively. Press FREEZE again to continue playing video.
Play/Stop Press to stop playing back video and back to live mode.
Using Remote Software
Setup Requirements:
Network connection to PC.
IP address of your
the unit and enter password to access OSD Main menu; select <System Setup>, <Network
Setup>, then <LAN Setup> to check the IP.
Changing Internet Setting:
Start the IE; select <Tools> from the main menu of the browser, then <Internet Options> and
then click the <Security> tab.
Select <Trusted sites> and click <Sites> to specify its security setting.
Disable Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone. Type the IP address of the
unit in field and click <Add> to add this website to the zone.
In the Security Level area, click <Custom Level>. Under <All ActiveX controls and
plug-ins>, set all items to <Enable> or <Prompt>.
Click <OK> to accept the settings and close the <Security> screen.
VDR1640D . To check the DVR's IP address, press MENU key on