The crisper is a convenient location to store fresh vegetables.
A crisper with cover is located in the upper drawer.
The crisper is removable when not in use.
There is a divider in each drawer. For flexibility in food storage, you can adjust or
remove the dividers.
Adjust the Divider in the Upper Compartment:
The upper drawer is separated by dividers fastened to the bin cradle. The two
dividers can be adjusted from either left to right, or back to front, as shown.
For ease in cleaning the drawer, you can remove the divider(s), See "Prepare Dual-
Drawer Refrigerator."
Adjust the divider in lower compartment:
For storage flexibility, the divider in the lower drawer can be inserted between any of
the ridges in the front and back walls of the drawer.
IMPORTANT: Your dual-drawer refrigerator is equipped with LED lighting. These
lights are designed to last for the life of your dual-drawer refrigerator. However, if
the lights stop operating, contact a qualified technician for replacement.
An LED is located at the top of both the upper and lower drawers. The LED lights are
controlled by drawer openings and closings. When a drawer is open, the LED is on.
When the drawer is closed the LED is off.
IMPORTANT: There are magnets attached to the interior, left-hand side of the
upper drawer, and to the bottom of lower drawer door. Do not remove the magnets
because they are required for proper functioning of the light system.