En cas de salissures mineures, nettoyer avec un chiffon en coton ou une brosse souple. Ne pas utiliser de produit
abrasif. Pour un nettoyage intensif, un chiffon humide peut être utilisé puis laissé sécher naturellement à distance
de tout feu direct ou source de chaleur, de même pour les éléments ayant pris l'humidité lors de leur utilisation.
L'eau de javel et les détergents sont rigoureusement prohibés.
- Identification du fabricant : DELTAPLUS® ou FROMENT®
- date (mois/année) de fabrication, exemple 02/2014
- la référence du produit AM... AC... (voir tableau des références) .
- le numéro de lot, exemple 14.9999
- l'indication de conformité à la directive 89/686/CEE (pictogramme CE)
- le numéro de l'organisme notifié intervenant dans le contrôle de l'équipement (0082 ou 0333)
- le numéro de la norme à laquelle le produit est conforme et son année : EN...
- la résistance à la rupture : 22 kN
Ainsi que le pictogramme: ② Lire la notice d'instruction avant utilisation.
Conforme aux exigences essentielles de la Directive 89/686/CEE, notamment en terme de conception,
d'ergonomie et d'innocuité.
Conforme aux exigences et méthodes d'essai des normes EN363, EN364, EN365, EN354, EN362.
Operating instructions
SWIVEL CONNECTOR (complying with EN354 – EN795)
This manual must be translated (according to regulations) by the dealer, in the language of the country where the
equipment is used. This manual must be read and understood by the user before using the PPE.
The test methods described in the standards do not represent actual usage conditions. It is therefore important to
study each work situation and that each user is fully trained in different techniques in order to know the limits of
the various devices.
The use of this PPE is restricted to qualified persons properly trained or working under the direct responsibility of
a competent superior. The user's safety depends on the continuing efficacy of the PPE, its strength and the proper
understanding of the instructions in this manual.
The user is personally responsible for any use of this PPE which does not comply with the requirements of this
manual and in the case of non-compliance with the security measures applicable to PPE specified by this manual.
The use of this PPE is restricted to persons in good health, certain medical conditions may affect the safety of the
user, in case of doubt contact a physician.
Adhere strictly to the instructions for use, verification, maintenance and storage.
This product is inseparable from a comprehensive fall protection system (EN363), whose function is to minimize
the risk of body injury from falls.
Before any use, refer to the recommendations for use for each component of the system.
This connection element (EN362) is a Personal Protective Equipment designed for being added to a fall arrester in
order to avoid the cable or the webbing to be twisting. It is composed of a swivel and a fall indicator. It is
recommended for being added on a retractable fall arrester (EN360) or a guided type fall arrester (EN353) in order
to be linked to a harness (EN361). This connection element (EN362) can also be used with a lanyard (EN354) in
order to be linked to an anchor point with a traction resistance complying with the EN795 standard. In that case, it
is essential that the anchoring point is located above the user.
In these cases, follow the instructions described in their own manual.
FALL INDICATOR: When the fall indicator is activated, the red colour appears: do not use the fall arrest device.
UPDATE : 24/02/2014