Installa�on Instruc�ons
Opera�on Guidance
Trouble Shoo�ng and Maintenance
17- 19
Diagnos�c des problémes
How to ? Exploded parts diagrams
Pièces détachées, vue éclatées, assemblage
Test Report - Efficiency Ra�ng
Year Extended Warranty
When you purchase your stove from a Mendip Stoves registered retailer, then your stove will carry a 2 year
warranty as standard. The 2 year warranty can be further extended to a total warranty period of 5 years by registering
your Mendip Stove within one month of the purchase date. Accordingly, the start date for the warranty period is the
date of purchase. During the registra�on process, the Registered Retailer details will be required for your Extended
Warranty to be ac�vated. Any product purchased outside of our registered Retailer Network will carry a standard 12
month, non-extendable warranty. It is a condi�on of the Extended Warranty that the installa�on complies with the
relevant Building Regula�ons and is carried out by a suitably trained and qualified individual (HETAS in the UK or
equivalent in other countries) with the cer�ficate of installa�on and proof of purchase supplied. Full terms and
condi�ons are detailed in the Warranty Statement on the Eurostove website In the event of any
conflict of informa�on the wording on the website shall prevail. Important Note: Should any problems be experienced
with your product, claims must first be submi�ed to the Retailer where the appliance was purchased from who will
offer immediate assistance or contact Eurostove on your behalf
Register online today to ac�vate warranty: online. h�p://�on
This manual refers to the Ashco� Wide, which is tested in accordance with EN 13240.
Thank you for purchasing your new stove from Mendip Stoves. Please read this manual carefully to ensure that you get
maximum enjoyment and performance from your new stove and to prevent any poten�al opera�onal problems. Please
note that "all local regula�ons, including those referring to na�onal and European Standards, need to be complied with
when installing this appliance". For further informa�on on installing and using fireplaces and wood burning stoves, please
see the relevant building regula�ons.
These instruc�ons cover the basic principals to ensure the sa�sfactory installa�on of your mul�-fuel stove, although
detail may need slight modifica�on to suit par�cular local site condi�ons.
The use a fireguard to BS 8423:2002 in the presence of children, aged and/or infirm persons is essen�al for their safety,
even when the stove is not in use.
The glass on the stove is ceramic glass and able to withstand very high temperatures however it is not toughened and a
hard impact could cause the glass to break.
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