To remove the catalyst for cleaning and sweeping the flue take the following steps:
Remove the 2 (M6) bolts (Fig 4, #8) and lower the catalyser housing from the roof of the stove.
To remove the catalyser from the housing remove the bolts (9) on the side.
Catalyser part No. M10570-02-70-00-00
Catalyser care
A catalyser is designed to withstand approximately 12,000 hours of con�nuous use. For most people, this
will translate into five to ten years of use, depending on the length of your hea�ng season and how o�en
you use your stove.
Proper maintenance will increase the catalysts effec�veness and prevent many problems. Inspect the
catalyser before each hea�ng season, and during the season if your stoves performance seems to change.
Ash, a fluffy light grey powder, and soot, a darker granular material, accumulate on the surfaces in normal
use. Ashes accumulate both as a result of the smoke being burned within the catalyser and by being
carried out of the firebox by the chimney dra�. Soot is o�en the result of previous creosote deposits
having been burned off or of foreign materials having been burned in the firebox.
Signs of clogging include reduced heat output and sluggish performance. If your inspec�on reveals that it
is becoming clogged, brush away the soot or ash with a so� brush or vacuum it with a household vacuum
cleaner. If soot or ash remains in the cells of the catalyst, gently dislodge it with a co�on swab or pipe
cleaner. Avoid using high-pressure air or a hard object to push the material out, as these may remove the
essen�al cataly�c coa�ng.Creosote is a tarry brown substance that can accumulate on the catalyser if it is
engaged before the smoke is hot enough to ac�vate the catalyst. Once in place, it "masks"the cataly�c
material on the surface of the catalyser and does not allow it to become ac�ve. At this point, the catalyser
can quickly accumulate addi�onal creosote. The only way to remove creosote is to burn it off. To do this,
you will have to burn your stove at higher than normal temperatures. before engaging the catalyser, and
leave it engaged un�l it has all burned away.
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