You will be automatically redirected to the "charge overview" screen. On the evpass mobile
application, you can access this overview at any point during a charge by connecting to the
charging station and tapping on "Current charge". Note that an animated battery icon will
appear next to the "Current charge" option when the overview is available.
The "Touch to charge" button will now be replaced by "Stop charge".
While your vehicle is charging, the HOME TWO START button will flash blue.
3. To stop charging, select :
> My charging stations
You can also simply unplug the connector from your vehicle. Note that your car must be
unlocked to unplug type 2 connectors.
evpass application : setting up
This function uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. All operations require the user
to be in proximity to the charging station with Bluetooth activated (up to 3 meters).
1. Installation of the evpass mobile application
Download and install the evpass mobile application onto your smartphone
from the App Store or Google Play.
2. Add the HOME TWO to your evpass mobile application
Open the evpass mobile application.
> My charging stations
The evpass mobile application will search for your HOME TWO. Once discovered, it will
appear on the list. You can then "Identify" your charging station. During identification, the
HOME TWO START button will flash. You will then be able to "Add" the charging station.
During the initial configuration of the HOME TWO, set a password of at least eight characters,
then tap "Save" on the top right of the screen. If the password is accepted, the charging sta-
tion will be linked to the application and you will be redirected to the "My charging stations"
screen. Your HOME TWO will now be listed. To connect to it, tap on it.
IMPORTANT: the password cannot be changed without the intervention of a professional
or the help of the Green Motion team.
> your HOME TWO > Stop charging
> Scan