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All manuals and user guides at ASSEMBLY AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MONTAGGIO E ISTRUZIONI PER L'USO Manuel d'assemblage et d'utilisation Instruções de Montagem e Operação Montage- und Betriebsanleitung ENSAMBLE E INSTRUCCIONES DE MANEJO...
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All manuals and user guides at
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Pr Prezado aeromodelista, Muito obrigado pela sua compra e confiança. O P38 Lightning é um modelo fantástico. Você terá muito prazer em pilotá-lo. Falta muito pouco trabalho para vê-lo voando. Voe sempre com segurança.
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All manuals and user guides at pre-instalado. The motors are connected to the speed controllers, ready to run, and the controllers are pre-installed. I motori sono già collegati ai regolatori, pronti a funzionare, ed i regolatori sono pre-installati. Les moteurs sont connectés aux variateurs de vitesse pré-installés et prêt à fonctionner. Os motores são ligados aos controladores de velocidade, pronto para ser executado, e os controladores são pré-instalados.
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All manuals and user guides at The servos for the ailerons, the elevators, the rudders, and the retractable landing gear system are pre-installed. I servi per gli alettoni, l’elevatore, i timoni, e il carrello retrattile sono pre-installati. Les servos pour les ailerons, la profondeur, les dérives, et le système de train rentrant sont pré-installés.
All manuals and user guides at Sempre mova o stick do acelerador para OFF antes de tudo. Só depois ligue o transmissor e em seguida conecte a bateria ao controlador de velocidade. Ligue sempre nessa ordem. Wenn Sie das Modell fliegen möchten, stellen Sie den Gasknüppel zuerst in die Stellung OFF, bevor Sie den Sender einschalten.
All manuals and user guides at Chave Phillips. Kreuz-Schraubendreher. Destornillador de cruz. Kit contents Contenuto del kit Contenu de la boîte Conteúdo do kit Baukasteninhalt Contenido del kit Main fuselage, 2 side fuselages with retractable landing gear system, 2 speed controllers and 7 servos and 2 motors.
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All manuals and user guides at 2×Servo for rudders. 3×Servoless landing gear system. 1×Servo for steering nose gear. 2×propeller set. 1×Li-Po battery, 3S 11.1V 2600mAh (20C). 7×Y-lead. 2 × Semiali. 2 × Derive. 2 × Servo per gli alettoni. 2 ×...
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All manuals and user guides at 1 × Servo für die Lenkung Bugfahrwerk. 2 × Propeller. 1 x Li-Po Akku, 3S 11.1V 2600mAh (20C). 7 × Y-Kabel. 2 × Alas principales. 2 × Timone. 2 × Servos para alerones. 2 ×...
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All manuals and user guides at Préparez les cordons Y pour l'alimentation, les voies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, les ailes et les fuselages latéraux (gauche et droite). Prepare para usar a extensão em Y para os canais 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, as asas, a fuselagem central e as laterais.
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All manuals and user guides at Fix the slots with scotch tape. Coprire le fessure con nastro adesivo. Fixez les fils dans fentes avec du scotch. Fixe com fita adesiva. Befestigen Sie die Kabel mit Klebeband. Sellar las ranuras con cinta adhesiva. Fix one main wing with one side fuselage.
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All manuals and user guides at principal. Encaixe o tubo na asa. Schließen Sie das Stromkabel und die Leitungen von Kanal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 an den anderen Hauptflügel an. Schieben Sie die Flügel auf das Flügelrohr. Conecte el cable de alimentación y los cables de Canal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y el ala principal de la otra ala.
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All manuals and user guides at Glue the vertical tail wings to the rear parts of the side fuselages. Incollare le derive ai travi di coda. Collez les dérives verticales aux parties arrière des fuselages latéraux. Cole o estabilizador vertical à traseira da fuselagem. Kleben Sie das Seitenleitwerk an das hintere Teil des Seitenrumpfes.
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All manuals and user guides at Install the steel to the vertical fin/rudder, the steel which connect the servo in fuselage is factory-assembled. Installare il rinvio di acciaio della deriva/timone. Il rinvio di acciaio che la collega al servo in fusoliera è...
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All manuals and user guides at Installieren Sie die Schubstange zum Höhenruder. Die Stange ist am Servo im Rumpf bereits ab Werk montiert. Instale el mando para el timón, esta varilla que conecta los servos con fuselaje está montada de fábrica.
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All manuals and user guides at Installez les hélices sur les plateaux et vissez-les fermement. Fixe a hélice na base e aperte o parafuso. Befestigen Sie die Propeller an der Basis und schrauben sie fest. Fijar la hélice a la base y atornillar firmemente. Fix the propeller spinner and screw it tight with a cross screwdriver.
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All manuals and user guides at Checking the control surfaces Verifica della superfici mobili Vérification des gouvernes Verificando as superfícies de controle Überprüfung der Ruder Comprobación de las superficies de control Check that the control surfaces respond to the appropriate movements of the transmitter sticks.
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All manuals and user guides at linke Querruder fallen. Mover el alerón a la derecha, y el alerón derecho debe subir y el alerón izquierdo bajar. Pull the elevator stick back towards you, and the trailing edge of both elevators should rise. Tirare verso di voi lo stick dell’elevatore, e controllare che entrambi gli elevatori si alzino.
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All manuals and user guides at Con la radio accesa capovolgere il modello. Spostando verso il basso il cursore del carrello di atterraggio, il carrello di atterraggio dovrebbe retrarsi, spostando verso l’alto il cursore, il carrello di atterraggio dovrebbe abbassarsi. Retournez le modèle et tirez sur le bouton de train rentrant de votre émetteur ;...
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All manuals and user guides at Open the throttle (stick forward): the motor should now run, and you should feel two strong flows of air exiting the two propellers of the model. Dare gas (stick verso il pilota): il motore dovrebbe iniziare a girare, e si dovrebbe sentire i due flussi d'aria delle eliche del modello.
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All manuals and user guides at The next step is to check the model’s balance: place the flight battery in its compartment, but do not connect it. Il passo successivo è quello di controllare il centraggio del modello: mettere la batteria di volo nel suo vano, ma non collegarla.
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All manuals and user guides at Appendere il modello nei punti segnati lasciando il modello libero. Se correttamente bilanciato l'aereo rimarrà orizzontale, con il muso lievemente abbassato. Soutenez le modèle aux points marqués pour lui permettre de pendre librement. Lorsqu'il est correctement équilibrée le P-38 doit se maintenir à...
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All manuals and user guides at Asegure con piezas de espuma la bateria en su posición final para evitar que se altere el CG del modelo. Test-flying, notes on flying the aeroplane. Collaudo in volo, note sul volo dell’aereo. Test-volants, des notes sur le pilotage de l'avion.
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All manuals and user guides at Carry out a complete check of the working systems. Effettuare un controllo completo del funzionamento di tutti I sistemi. Procéder à une vérification complète de la radio et du modèle. Habitue-se a verificar sempre o funcionamento do modelo antes de decolar. Führen Sie eine vollständige Prüfung der arbeitenden Systeme durch.
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All manuals and user guides at Ajustez les trims si nécessaire pour que le modèle vole droit légèrement ascendant. Regule os trims para que o P-38 suba suavemente e de forma constante. Passen Sie die Trimmung, wenn notwendig, an, damit das Modell stetig ansteigt. Ajuste los trims si es necesario para que el modelo tenga un ascenso constante.
All manuals and user guides at Landing: Before landing, reduce the power and fly the model into the wind. When P-38 nears the ground, remember to ease the elevator joystick back and P-38 will land gently. Atterraggio: Prima di atterrare, di ridurre la potenza e tenere il modello controvento. Quando il P-38 è...
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All manuals and user guides at foreign objects are kept away from the rotating parts of the airplane motor. Si prega di utilizzare questo modello secondo le istruzioni e assicurarsi che le dita, le mani e gli altri oggetti estranei sono tenuti lontani dalle parti rotanti del motore. Réglez et pilotez cet avion conformément aux instructions et gardez hors de portée des pièces en rotation du moteur de l'avion vos doigts ou tout autre objet.
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All manuals and user guides at Never operate your equipment in stormy weather. Non utilizzare la radio durante I temporali. Ne faîtes jamais voler votre avion en cas de tempête. Nunca utilize o equipamento em caso de tempestade. Betreiben Sie Ihre Geräte niemals bei stürmischem Wetter. Nunca opere el equipo en caso de tormenta.
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All manuals and user guides at Prüfen Sie stets, ob andere Modellflieger möglicherweise mit der gleichen Funkfrequenz fliegen, bevor Sie den Sender einschalten. Siempre verifique que otros pilotos no estén usando la misma frecuencia de radio antes de encender el transmisor. Make sure that the batteries in your transmitter are fresh and the antenna is fully extended to ensure maximum range for your aircraft.
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All manuals and user guides at J-POWER GROUP CO., LIMITED A3 Building, Xinjianxing Technology Industrial Park, Fengxin Road Guangming Town, Bao’an, Shenzhen City, China 518107 Phone: +86 755 3369 9201 Fax: +86 755 3369 9203