List of alarms:
Carry out maintenance on the electrode (see maintenance handbook). If the problem
Replace electrode
continues, contact your vendor.
Check the pH in the swimming pool (6.8~7.5). Correct, if necessary. Verify the pH kit (pump,
pH out of range
tube, reservoir)
Verify the pH kit. If necessary, carry out maintenance on the pH sensor (cleaning and
pH error
Verify the chlorine level. If it is <0.5ppm, increase the filtering time and/or the % production. If
ORP error
necessary, carry out maintenance on the pH sensor (cleaning and calibration).
Verify the electrode (connection, status). Verify the chlorine level. If necessary, performing
No signal
electrode maintenance
Flow rate problem
Low water level or no water. Verify the filtration system. Check the flow rate detector.
System error
Restart the device. If the problem continues, contact your vendor.
Internal temperature too high. Please, air out the chlorinator's technical location or protect it
Fatal temperature
from the sun.
All of the alarms require the user's intervention in order for restarting to occur.
Warning: An alarm may be active when the values displayed on the screen or measured are correct. Restart the
device. If it no longer appears, this means it was set off by a temporary phenomenon that has been dealt with.
9 – Restarting
The factory-set values are restored for all of the user parameters.
1- Cleaning (electrode bulb clogged or covered in scales).
o Wet the sensor in a hydrochloric acid solution diluted to 10%, or a cleaning solution provided by a
professional for ten minutes.
o Rinse well with clean water.
o Calibrate the sensor once again.
Warning: Always clean the sensor before calibrating it.
Warning: In order to clean the sensor, avoid using abrasive materials that might scratch the electrode bulb.
Warning: NEVER WIPE THE SENSOR WITH A CLOTH OR RAG, but instead drain off any excess by shaking it softly.
2- Winter shutdown
Dismantle the pH/RX sensor and put back in place the original cover it was provided with, after necessarily filling it
with a potassium chloride solution (KCl) in order to wet the sensor membrane.
Warning: Store the sensors in a dry location at a constant temperature. Never leave the sensors out in the open air
or exposed to frost.
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