Provides help with soothing respi-
ration through its light cycles
Light separate from diffusion
Switches off automatically
01 Put the Moya diffuser in the room
half an hour before turning it on to al-
low it to adjust to room temperature.
02 Make sure it is always placed on a
hard, flat and horizontal surface.
03 Make sure the device is clean
before starting to use it.
04 Remove the ceramic cover
05 Then remove the reservoir cover
06 Pour fresh, preferably demineralised
water into the reservoir and do not
exceed the maximum level
07 Pour 3 or 4 drops of essential
oil into the water
08 Replace the reservoir cover
then the ceramic cover
09 Make sure your hands are completely
dry when connecting (and even
disconnecting) the device
10 The diffuser is now operational.
/ 84
Instructions for use
Adjusting diffusion and timer
Press once on the button for adjusting
diffusion and timer
sion. It runs in continuous diffusion mode
by default; three indicators light up
Press a second time on the button for
programming diffusion for 1 hour; the
indicator on the left lights up
Press a third time on the button for
programming diffusion for 3 hours;
the middle indicator lights up
Press the button for programming dif-
fusion for 8 hours a fourth time; the in-
dicator on the right lights up
Press the button for stopping dif-
fusion a fifth time; there are no
longer any light indicators
To go to intermittent diffusion
mode (30 seconds ON; 30 sec-
onds OFF), press the button for 2 sec-
onds; a light indicator will flash.
Repeat this operation to go back
to continuous diffusion mode
The timer is not interrupted when the dif-
fusion mode has changed.
to start diffu-