Command 76 System's operating options ("FTC Options "):
Setting this command determines how the machine will react if the product is not delivered. The value can
be set at between 0 and 2. Default = 0.
The meaning of the setting is as follows:
0 = Possibility of another selection; in this case command 63 (single-multisale) must be set at 1 (if it is an
executive payment system the multisale must also be set in the payment system).
1 = Automatic credit delivery; in this case command 63 must be set at 0 (if it is an executive payment system
the single sale must also be set in the payment system).
2 = Further quarter turn: if the product is not delivered the spiral completes a further 1/4 turn and if the
product has still not been delivered then the machine reverts to one of the preceding two options depending
on the single or multisale parameter that has been set.
For this purpose once the value 2 has been set in command 76, the option is disabled for all the
selections by default. Then you automatically access the menu that allows you to enable the option for
the individual spirals. To enable the option corresponding to a spiral simply enter the selection number
and set the value at 1. Vice versa if this value is set at 0 the option is disabled. The option is not
applicable to ½ turn spirals. If the payment system uses Executive protocol, the single-multivend must
also be set on the payment system.
Alternatively, the function can be enabled / disabled for each drawer: selection 91 implies that all the
selections in the first drawer from the top are, for example, enabled for the quarter turn function.
Selection 92 = 2nd drawer; 93 = 3rd drawer; 94 = 4th drawer; 95 = 5th drawer; 96 = 6th drawer; 97 = 7th
drawer; if you program the function for selection 99, all the selections in the vending machine will be
enabled or disabled.
The system then asks you to enter the options relevant to the PHOTOCELL SAFETY:
enabling this function (parameter setting = 1) involves entering a number of products within a certain time
frame (in minutes). If within the programmed time interval a number of non-readings occurs that is equal to
the number of programmed products, the photocells are disabled. The active event is signalled on the
display when the door is opened and it is also recorded in Command 99 by Error code 39. The photocell
reset can be programmed in manual or automatic mode. If manual, parameter setting = 0, enter the TEST
VEND function to re-enable the photocells; if automatic, parameter setting = 1, after 15 minutes the system
attempts to reset the function.
N.B.: with the SPIRAL SLAVE connection enabled (see Command 49), after setting the MASTER machine,
the same parameters for the SLAVE machine can be set.
Command 80 Cloning:
This command makes it possible to transfer all the parameters of the vending machine to a "Program Key",
to program same model machines (see also Command 50). When you enter the command "Write Clone
Key" appears on the display. Then, enter the "Program Key" and press the ENTER key. "Data Writing...*"
appears on the screen while the data is being transferred to the key. Once the data transfer operation is
completed, the machine returns to the programming mode.
Caution: DO NOT enter the key before entering the programming mode, otherwise the vending machine will
fetch the data existing in the key.
Command 85 Display of checksum and main and power board software version.
FAS INTERNATIONAL S.p.A. Via Lago di Vico, 60 SCHIO (VI) – tel. +39 0445 502011 – fax +39 0445 502010 - e-mail: info@fas.it
SKUDO – Issue 00