The purpose of the EasyLevel dials is to decrease or increase the length of the tree cable in order to level the platform which
allows for variations in tree diameter and shape as you climb. Generally, as you climb upward, the tree diameter will decrease
which will cause the platforms to angle downward. The use of an upward starting angle is still recommended, as shown in
figure 13, however, the EasyLevel dials will allow for adjustments to be made while attached to the tree.
Never exceed more than a 15 degree upward platform angle from horizontal and the platform angle should never go
below horizontal. If a horizontal angle is not able to be achieved with the use of the EasyLevel dials then climb all the
way down to ground level and readjust the Quick Draw Pro Cable retention system accordingly. This adjustment should
only be done when safely at ground level.
Always use your FBFAHS and stay connected to the tree per the harness instructions
once you have left the ground. Keep your weight centered on the treestand and
never lean over the side of your treestand for any reason.
EasyLevel™ Adjustment – Create a More Upward Angle
1. Begin with adjustment of the angle on the seat platform. Stand up on the
foot platform with all your weight on your feet, grasp the seat platform with
your right hand and rotate the EasyLevel dial clockwise (facing the tree) as
shown in figure 15a.
2. There should be no weight on the seat platform as you continue rotating the
EasyLevel dial. This allows for the tree cable to be brought in around the tree
and readjust where it sits along the tree diameter. Rotate the EasyLevel dial
clockwise until the platform is level or at a slightly upward angle if still in the
process of climbing.
3. To adjust the angle on the foot platform, begin by sitting on the front bar of
the climber frame. Make sure that your platforms are connected by the umbilical
cord and that your feet are secured into the stirrups and heel bungee. Raise your
knees to bring the foot platform close to the seat platform, as shown in figure 15b.
4. Keeping all your weight on the seat platform and using the seat platform
frame and your left hand for balance, reach down with your right hand to the
EasyLevel dial on your foot platform and rotate clockwise. There should be no
weight on the foot platform as you continue rotating the EasyLevel dial which
will allow for the tree cable to be brought in around the tree and readjust where
it sits along the tree diameter. Raise your feet slightly off the foot platform
if necessary to take weight off the foot platform to achieve the EasyLevel
adjustments. Rotate the EasyLevel dial clockwise until the platform is level or at
a slightly upward angle if still in the process of climbing.
The EasyLevel Dial has reached the end of its adjustment ability when approximately
6.5" of threaded rod is exposed, as shown in figure 15c. At this point the EasyLevel
dial will provide more resistance to additional adjustment attempts and must not
be turned any further clockwise. If the platform is not able to be brought level with
the amount of adjustment available then you must climb down to ground level and
readjust the Quick Draw Pro cable system or find a different tree.
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