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1. Introduction & Features
To all residents of the European Union
Important environmental information about this product
This symbol on the device or the package indicates that disposal of the device after its lifecycle could harm
the environment.
Do not dispose of the unit (or batteries) as unsorted municipal waste; it should be taken to a specialised
company for recycling.
This device should be returned to your distributor or to a local recycling service.
Respect the local environmental rules.
If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authorities.
Thank you for buying the VDL45ST! Please read the manual thoroughly before bringing this device into service.
If the device was damaged in transit, don't install or use it and contact your dealer.
2. Safety Instructions
Be very careful during the installation: touching live wires can cause life-threatening electroshocks.
Keep this device away from rain and moisture.
• Damage caused by disregard of certain guidelines in this manual is not covered by the warranty and the dealer
will not accept responsibility for any ensuing defects or problems.
• A qualified technician should install and service this device.
• Do not switch the device on immediately after it has been exposed to changes in temperature. Protect the device
against damage by leaving it switched off until it has reached room temperature.
• This device falls under protection class I. It is therefore essential that the device be earthed. Have a qualified
person carry out the electric connection.
• Make sure that the available voltage does not exceed the voltage stated in the specifications of this manual.
• Do not crimp the power cord and protect it against damage. Have an authorised dealer replace it if necessary.
• Disconnect the device from the mains to clean it or when it is not in use. Handle the power cord by the plug only.
• There may be some smoke or a particular smell when the device is activated for the first time. This is normal and
any smoke or smell will gradually disappear.
• Do not look directly at the light source as sensitive people may go into epileptic seizure if they do.
• Note that damage caused by user modifications to the device is not covered by the warranty.
• Keep the device away from children and unauthorised users.
• Do not operate the VDL45ST without or with a cracked glass pane. Have it replaced when it is damaged.
3. General Guidelines
• The VDL45ST should only be used indoors with an alternating current of max. 230V AC/50Hz.
• Do not shake the device. Avoid brute force when installing or operating the device.
• Select a location where the device is protected against extreme heat, dust and moisture. Respect a minimum
distance of 0.5m between the device's light output and any illuminated surface.
• Familiarise yourself with the functions of the device before actually using it. Do not allow operation by unqualified
people. Any damage that may occur will most probably be due to unprofessional use of the device.
• Use the original packaging if the device is to be transported.
• All modifications of the device are forbidden for safety reasons.
• Only use the device for its intended purpose. All other uses may lead to short circuits, burns, electroshocks, lamp
explosion, crash, etc. Using the device in an unauthorised way will void the warranty.



Sommaire des Matières pour HQ Power VDL45ST

  • Page 1 • Note that damage caused by user modifications to the device is not covered by the warranty. • Keep the device away from children and unauthorised users. • Do not operate the VDL45ST without or with a cracked glass pane. Have it replaced when it is damaged. 3. General Guidelines •...
  • Page 2 0.5kg Fuse 2A fast-blow, 250V AC (internal) The information in this manual is subject to change without prior notice. VDL45ST – MINI STROBOSCOOP 45W 1. Inleiding en kenmerken Aan alle ingezetenen van de Europese Unie Belangrijke milieu-informatie betreffende dit product Dit symbool op het toestel of de verpakking geeft aan dat, als het na zijn levenscyclus wordt weggeworpen, dit toestel schade kan toebrengen aan het milieu.
  • Page 3 • Schade door wijzigingen die de gebruiker heeft aangebracht aan het toestel vallen niet onder de garantie. • Hou dit toestel uit de buurt van kinderen en onbevoegden. • Gebruik de VDL45ST niet zonder of met een beschadigd glasplaatje. Laat het vervangen als het beschadigd is. 3. Algemene Richtlijnen •...
  • Page 4 Zekering 2A snelle zekering, 250V AC (intern) De informatie in deze handleiding kan te allen tijde worden gewijzigd zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving. VDL45ST – STROBOSCOPE MINIATURE 45W 1. Introduction et caractéristiques Aux résidents de l'Union Européenne Des informations environnementales importantes concernant ce produit Ce symbole sur l'appareil ou l'emballage indique que, si l'appareil est jeté...
  • Page 5 • Transportez l'appareil dans son emballage originel. • Toute modification de l’appareil est interdite pour des raisons de sécurité. • N’utilisez votre VDL45ST qu’à sa fonction prévue. Tout autre usage peut causer des courts-circuits, des brûlures, des électrochocs etc. Un usage impropre annule d'office la garantie.
  • Page 6 Si tiene dudas, contacte con las autoridades locales para residuos. ¡Gracias por haber comprado el VDL45ST! Lea cuidadosamente las instrucciones del manual antes de usarlo. Verifique si el aparato ha sufrido algún daño en el transporte antes de la puesta en marcha. Si es el caso, no conecte el aparato a la red y póngase en contacto con su distribuidor.
  • Page 7 • No maneje el VDL45ST sin cristal o con cristal roto. Pregunte a su distribuidor que reemplaza el cristal. 3. Normas generales • El VDL45ST sólo está permitido para una conexión con una fuente de corriente CA de máx. 230Vca/50Hz y para el uso en interiores.
  • Page 8 Falls Zweifel bestehen, wenden Sie sich für Entsorgungsrichtlinien an Ihre örtliche Behörde. Danke für den Kauf des VDL45ST! Bitte lesen Sie vor Inbetriebnahme diese Bedienungsanleitung sorgfältig durch. Überprüfen Sie, ob Transportschäden vorliegen. Sollte dies der Fall sein, verwenden Sie das Gerät nicht und wenden Sie sich an Ihren Händler.
  • Page 9 • Bei Schäden verursacht durch eigenmächtige Änderungen erlischt der Garantieanspruch. • Halten Sie Kinder und Unbefugte vom Gerät fern. • Benutzen Sie das VDL45ST nicht mit einer beschädigten Glasscheibe. Lassen die beschädigten Glasscheiben ersetzen. 3. Allgemeine Richtlinien •...
  • Page 10 5. Verwenden Sie zur Reinigung ein feuchtes Tuch. Verwenden Sie auf keinen Fall Alkohol oder irgendwelche Lösungsmittel. 6. Es gibt keine wartbaren Teile. Nur qualifizierte Händler dürfen dieses Gerät warten. 7. Technische Daten Stromversorgung max. 230Vac/50Hz Stromverbrauch Abmessungen Ø130 x 150mm Gesamtgewicht 0.5kg Sicherung 2A flink, 250V AC (intern) Alle Änderungen vorbehalten. VDL45ST VELLEMAN...