Order no.: FDK:521H0157
mass flowmeter
type MASS 2100 - DI 1.5
This instruction covers the mechanical in-
stallation and the connection of the sensor to
the signal converter.
Data on the wiring up of the system from the
outputs of MASS 6000 have been stated in
the manual DKFD.PS.028.M1.02.
Siemens Flow Instruments SITRANS F C
mass flowmeters are units for the
direct measurement of:
• Mass flow rate
• Total mass
• Density
• Temperature
• Volumetric flow rate
• Total volume
• Fraction flow
• % fraction flow
• Total fraction
measure the flow direct in kilogrammes, without
conversion. Measurements are independent
of changes in liquid temperature, density,
pressure, viscosity, conductivity, and flow
With the mass flowmeter it is also possible to
measure the mass flow of liquids containing
homogeneous mixtures of air and solids.
However, large amounts of air may disturb the
Measuring accuracy
flowmeter is installed in accordance with the
instructions, it will be unaffected by external
disturbances and will measure with high
The measuring inaccuracy is less than ±0.10%
of the measured value, throughout a wide
measuring range.
Precision measuring system
The mass flowmeter is a precision measuring
system. It is very robust, but must be handled
and installed in accordance with the instruc-
tions given.
The flowmeter should be handled carefully.
In the worst case impact and shock can produce
imbalance in the MASS 2100 sensor, with
consequent measuring inaccuracy.
Sensor mounting
When installing a mass flowmeter it is not
necessary to take account of components that
generate turbulence, such as pipe bends, T-
pieces, valves, etc. because the meter is not
affected by inlet conditions. However, cavitation
and air bubbles in the system can disturb
measurements and must be avoided.
Horizontal installation is recommended. This
avoids solid particles being deposited in the
meter and the sensor can be easily emptied.
Ensure that the sensor is not emptied of liquid
during normal operation otherwise incorrect
measurement will occur.
To ensure optimum operation of the mea-
suring equipment it is important that the
installation instructions are followed pre-
Before commissioning
Before taking into use this sensor please read
the max. operating pressure (PN) on the
sensor label. The operating pressure indicates
the pressure to which measuring pipe and
mass flowmeters
connections have been dimensioned. As a
minimum the sensor has passed a pressure
test corresponding to this value. This, however,
is not the case with the sensor enclosure (i.e.
the enclosure covering the measuring pipe).
If for some reason the measuring pipe frac-
tures, a pressure will be generated in the
The burst pressure for the MASS 2100 DI
1.5 enclosure is approximately 70 bar.
The pressure values are only approximate
and thus cannot be taken as an absolute
value indicating when a possible fracture or
leakage will occur.
When working with operating pressures/
media which in case of pipe fractures may
cause injuries to people, equipment or any-
thing else, we recommend to take special
precautions when building-in the sensor i.e.
special placement, shielding, pressure re-
lease valve or the like.
The sensor enclosure is supplied with a 1/8"
nipple. When demounting the nipple, a
pressure release valve can be connected to
automatically shut off the flow to the sensor in
case of leakage. For instructions on the
mounting, please refer to the section "pres-
sure release valve".
- A5E00253703