Assembly Instructions
RV 2M 1 Row Spreading Unit
The width of the spreading band can be changed by adjusting the side plate (Pho-
to 5).
Due to the small spreading width the disc vanes must only be set in position A1 -
A1. Under no circumstances should the disc vanes be extended, otherwise they
will foul the row spreading unit.
After fitting the row spreading unit revolve the discs by hand to make sure nothing
Raising and lowering the unit will produce small variations in the width settings
available on the row spreading unit.
Application rates can be proportionally calculated from data in the spreading chart
to suit the effectivespreading width of 2 meters.
Driving speed (km/h) x 2 (m) x application rate (kg/ha) = nominal discharge quantity (kg/min)
The metering slide opening has to be determined by a calibration test.
Photo 5