Anti-pass back management (up to 500 users):
Anti-pass back is a feature which prevents a user from entering into a zone for the second time or to
loan his remote to someone else so this second person could enter with the same key. Two consecu-
tive entries w/o exit in between are therefore not possible. This function is only available in RF.
For example, a person who rents a car space can't use his remote control to enter a second car as
long as the first one is in the car park.
For an anti-pass back zone to be active, place dipswitch S3 to ON. Then, two dipswitches will define
how the apb should work:
If S4 is OFF, apb is permanent. If S4 is ON, apb is cancelled after a set time which is adjustable.
If S5 is OFF, the entry only is controlled and the exit is free. In this case, you have to first get out but
the exit is enabled. If S5 is ON, then the exit is also under control. In this case, you have to come in to
be able to get out and to get out to be able to come in.
S3 W/O Apb
S4 Apb 24/7
S5 Apb on entry only
The standalone receiver can manage anti-pass back for entry only or for entry + exit. The S3
dipswitch manages this feature.
It's also possible to manage anti-pass time (S4). After a defined delay, it's possible to enter in the
zone again.
Anti-pass time setting
The duration of the anti-pass time feature is settable.
Move S1 dipswitch to ON then the red led turns on.
Then move S3 to ON and leave S2 OFF. The receiver is now waiting for programming. Press the exit
push button of door 1 to add 10 minutes or door 2 exit push button to add some minutes.
For example, press twice the first exit push button and 5 times the door 2 push button to setup 25
Five secs after the last pulse, the receiver generates some long and short beeps. Each long beep
corresponds to 10 minutes and each short beep to one minute.
Switch S1 OFF and S2 + S3 dipswitches back to their initial position.
The max delay for the anti-pass time is 255 minutes.
In this mode, the control unit manages up to 5000 remote controls. This is the sum of authorized /
unauthorized remotes controls.
When you remove a door/gate of the key/remote access profile, the key stays in the black list of the
Up to 20000 events over the last 30 days are recorded in the control units. Those off line events can
be transferred to the computer via special keys.
The key management works on read/write technology. Keys are programmed remotely at the office
through a web software and an encoder. Later, when keys are presented to the reader, the data is
transferred to the control unit.
Apb active
Anti pass time
Apb on entry+ exit
FDI MATELEC SA Route de St Symphorien 85130 Les landes Génusson - France