The parameter setting operation can be performed using any radio trans-
mitter, provided that it is memorised in mode 1, in the same way as that
supplied (see paragraph 10.4 "Memorisation mode 1").
If there is no transmitter memorised in mode 1 a single one may be
memorised for this phase, after which it must be deleted immediately (see
paragraph 10.4.4 "Deleting a radio transmitter").
CAUTION! – When making settings via a transmitter, the control unit
must be allowed suffi cient time to recognise the command via radio; in
practice the keys must always be pressed and released slowly, pressing
for at least one second, releasing for one second and so on.
To program the parameters, see Table 3.
01. Press T1 and T2 simultaneously (fi g. 37) on the radio transmitter for
at least 5 s.
02. Release the two keys.
03. Within three seconds, complete the action as specifi ed in Table 3
according to the parameter to be modifi ed.
Example: to set the pause time at 40 s.
01 Press and hold the keys T1 and T2 simultaneously for at least 5 sec-
02. Release T1 and T2
03. Press T1 three times
All parameters can be adjusted as required without any contraindications,
only the "Motor force" setting may require special attention:
• Do not use force values to compensate for anomalous points of friction
on the gate. Excessive force settings may impair safety system opera-
tion or cause damage to the gate.
• If the "Motor force control" is used in support of the system for impact
force reduction, after each adjustment the force measurement proce-
dure must be performed, as envisaged by standard EN 12445.
• Weather conditions can infl uence gate movement; new adjustments
may be required periodically.
To program the parameters, see Table 4.
01. Press T1 and T3 simultaneously (fi g. 38) on the radio transmitter for
at least 5 s.
02. Release the two keys.
03. Within three seconds, complete the action as specifi ed in Table 4
according to the parameter to be modifi ed.
Example: to set discharge on closing of motor 2 on level 4.
01. Press and hold the keys T1 and T3 simultaneously for at least 5 s
02. Release T1 and T3
03. Press T3 four times
10.1.2 - Checking settings via a radio transmitter
With a radio transmitter memorised in Mode 1 the user can check settings
at any time for each parameter, as follows:
To display the parameters, see Table 5.
01. Press T1 and T2 simultaneously on the radio transmitter for at least 5s.
02. Release the two keys.
03. Within three seconds, complete the action as specifi ed in Table 5
according to the parameter to be modifi ed.
04. Release the key when the fl ashing light starts to fl ash
05. Count the number of fl ashes and, according to the number, check
the corresponding value on Table 3.
Example: After pressing T1 and T2 for 5 s followed by T1, if the fl ashing
light fl ashes three times, the pause time is set at 40 s.
Pause Time
Press and hold T1
Pass door
Press and hold T2
Motor force
Press and hold T3
"OPEN" function
Press and hold T4
To display the parameters, see Table 6.
01. Press T1 and T3 simultaneously on the radio transmitter for at least 5 s.
02. Release the two keys.
03. Within three seconds, complete the action as specifi ed in Table 6
according to the parameter to be modifi ed.
04. Release the key when the fl ashing light starts to fl ash
05. Count the number of fl ashes and, according to the number, check
the corresponding value on Table 4.
Level of discharge of motor 1 on closing
Level of discharge of motor 1 on opening
Level of discharge of motor 2 on closing
Level of discharge of motor 2 on opening
As well as the devices in WG20S, there are a number of optional acces-
sories which may be used to integrate the automation system.
PR1: 24 V buffer battery; in the event of a mains power failure, this guar-
antees at least 10 complete cycles.
PF: 24 V solar power system; useful in cases in which there is no electrical
mains power.
PT50: Pair of columns (height 500 mm) with photocell
PT100: Pair of columns (height 1000 mm) with two photocells
For information on new accessories, consult the Mhouse catalogue or
visit the website
10.2.1 - Installing the PR1 buffer battery (fi g. 39)
CAUTION! - The electric connection of the battery to the control
unit must only be made after completing all installation and pro-
gramming phases, as the battery constitutes an emergency power
To install and connect the buffer battery PR1 to the control unit, refer to
fi g. 39 and the PR1 instruction manual.
When the automation is powered by the buffer battery, 60 seconds after
a manoeuvre is completed, the control unit automatically switches off the
output "ECSbus" (and all connected devices), output Flash and all leds,
with the exception of the ECSbus led, which fl ashes at slower intervals;
this indicates the "Standby" function. When the control unit receives a
command, it restores normal operation (with a short delay). This func-
tion is used to reduce consumption; an important factor when the unit is
powered by battery.
10.2.2 - Installing the PF solar power supply system (fi g. 40)
CAUTION! - When the automation is powered exclusively by the
solar power system "PF", IT MUST NEVER BE POWERED at the
same time by the mains.
To connect the PF solar power system to the control unit, refer to fi g. 40
and the PF instruction manual.
When the automation is powered by the solar panel, 60 seconds after a
Press and hold T1
Press and hold T2
Press and hold T3
Press and hold T4
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