––– STEP 7 –––
– The power cable is in PVC and is designed for installation
indoors. If installed outdoors, the entire cable must be covered
with a protection ducting. Otherwise the cable can be replaced
with a H07RN-F version.
– Final connection of the automation to the electrical mains or
replacement of the cable supplied must be made exclusively by a
qualifi ed and skilled electrician, in observance of the current safe-
ty standards and the following instructions.
• For automation operation tests and programming, use the cable
supplied, inserting the plug in an electrical socket. If the socket is far from
the automation, an extension may be used in this phase.
• For the automation testing and commissioning phase the control
unit must be permanently connected to the power mains, replacing the
cable supplied with one of adequate length. To connect the cable to the
gearmotor control unit, proceed as follows:
The power line must be fi tted with a disconnect device that ensures com-
plete shut-off of power to the automation. The disconnect device must
have contacts with a suffi cient gap to ensure complete disconnection, in
compliance with the overvoltage category III, according to the installation
instructions. If necessary, this device guarantees quick and safe discon-
nection from the mains power and therefore must be positioned in sight
of the automation. If located in a concealed position, it must be equipped
with a system that prevents inadvertent or unauthorised reconnection of
power, to avoid potential hazards. The disconnect device is not supplied
with the product.
01. To test, insert the CL20S plug in a power socket, using an extension
if necessary.
7.2 - INITIAL CHECKS (fi g. 31)
After powering up the control unit, perform the following checks:
01. Ensure that the led "ECSBus" [A] (fi g. 31) fl ashes regularly with the
frequency of 1 fl ash per second;
02. Ensure that the LED "SAFE" [B] (fi g. 31) on the photocells is fl ash-
ing (both on TX and RX); the type of fl ash is not important, as this
depends on other factors; it is important that it is not off or perma-
nently lit.
03. Ensure that the night-time light on the KS100 key-operated selector
switch is on.
04. If these events do not occur, disconnect the control unit from the
power supply and check the cable connections again with care. For
other useful information, refer also to chapters 10.5 "Troubleshooting"
and 10.6 "Diagnostics and signals".
On completion of initial checks, the control unit must be able to recognise
the devices connected on the terminals "ECSBus" and "STOP".
01. On the control unit, press and hold P2 [C] (fi g. 32) for at least 3 sec-
onds, then release.
02. Wait a few seconds for the control unit to complete the device learn-
ing phase.
03. At the end of the learning phase the STOP led [B] (fi g. 32) must
remain lit, while the LED P2 [C] (fi g. 32) should turn off. If the LED P2
fl ashes it means there is an error; see paragraph 10.5 "Troubleshoot-
The phase for learning connected devices can be repeated at any time
also after installation (for example if a photocell is added); simply repeat
the procedure from point 01.
After learning devices, the control unit must recognise the opening angles
of the leafs. In this phase the system reads the leaf opening angle from
the mechanical closing stop through to the mechanical opening stop. The
presence of fi xed and suffi ciently strong mechanical stops is essential.
01. Release the motors by means of the special keys (see paragraph
11.3 - User's Guide) and move the leafs to mid-travel so that they
are free to move in the opening and closing directions; then lock the
02. On the control unit, press and release the key P3 [B] (fi g. 33); wait for
the control unit to perform the learning phase. closure of motor M1
through to the mechanical stop, closure of motor M2 through to the
mechanical stop, opening of motor M2 and motor M1 through to the
mechanical stop; complete closure of M1 and M2.
- If the fi rst manoeuvre of one or both the leafs is not closure, press
P3 to stop the learning phase, invert the polarity of the motor/s that
opened the leaf, inverting the two brown and blue wires on the ter-
- If the fi rst motor to close is not M1, press P3 to stop the learning
phase, and invert the motor connections on the terminals.
- During the learning phase, if any device trips (photocells, key-oper-
ated selector switch, P3 pressed etc.), the learning phase is stopped
immediately. In this case the entire learning phase must be repeated.
03. If LED P3 [A] (fi g. 33) fl ashes at the end of the learning phase, it
means there is an error; see paragraph 10.5 "Troubleshooting".
The phase for learning the opening angles can be repeated at any time
also after installation (for example if one of the opening stops is moved);
simply repeat the procedure from point 1.
To check transmitters, simply press one of its 4 keys, ensure that the LED
fl ashes and that the automation performs the associated command.
The command associated with each key depends on the mode in which
they were memorised (see paragraph 10.4 "Memorising radio transmit-
ters"). The transmitters supplied are already memorised and the keys,
when pressed, send the following commands (fi g. 34):
Key T1 = "OPEN" command
Key T2 = "Pedestrian opening" command
Key T3 = "Only open" command
Key T4 = "Only close" command
7.6.1 - Selecting the leaf speed
Leaf opening and closing can be at two speeds: "low" or "high".
To change from one speed to another, briefl y press key P2 [B] (fi g. 35);
the corresponding led P2 [A] (fi g. 35) will turn on or off; when the led is
off, the speed setting is "low", when the led is on the speed setting is
7.6.2 - Selecting the operating cycle
Gate opening and closing can be performed in two different operating
• Single cycle (semi-automatic): with one command, the gate opens and
remains open until the next command which activates closing.
• Complete cycle (automatic closure): with one command, the gate
opens and closes again automatically after a short interval (for the time
interval, see paragraph 10.1 "Parameter settings via radio transmitter").
To change from one mode to another, briefl y press key P3 [B] (fi g. 34);
the corresponding led [A] (fi g. 34) will turn on or off; when the led is off,
the cycle is "single", when the led is on the cycle is "complete".
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