11. Display
11.1 Wind display
Overview of the wind speed and wind direction
In the main display, press and hold the "DOWN/WIND" button for 3 sec-
onds to change the display to wind direction or to display the maximum
speed in one hour.
Display note:
WIND SPEED: Average speed in the last 30 s
1HR TOP SPEED: Maximum speed in the last hour
WIND DIRECTION: In letters or degrees
Note: The conversion to a wind direction indicator or a display as a
1-hour top speed can only be done in the main display interface.
Displaying the history: Press and release the "DOWN/WIND" button to
display the maximum wind history values
days | Month | Year
One hour: the last 60-minutes (default recording of top speed)
24 hours: Past 24-hours from the last data record
7 days: Past 7-days from the last data record
Month: Defined by the calendar month, e.g. January 1 - January 31.
Year Defined by the calendar year, e.g. January 1 - December 31.
Wind direc-
Wind speed
wind direction
1 hour (default) | 24 hours | 7