K.M150N.. / K.M100N.. / K.W100N.. / K.d200N.. / K.M200P.. / K.d250P..
5. The motor stops and then
restarts after a short time,
but the thermic protector of
the starting equipment fails
to activate.
6. The electric pump fails to
7. The electric pump fails to
function in automatic mode.
8. The ringing alarm and/
or warning light of the
conductivity probe has
9. The thermic protection of
the circuit has activated or all
line fuses have burnt out.
10. The pumps fail to
alternate when preset by the
Probable causes
5.1. The electric pump is operating with an excessively
high number of starts.
5.2. Incrustations on the surfaces do not allow the heat
produced by the electric motor to escape.
5.3. Incrustations in the cooling jacket
(when installed).
5.4. Insufficient flow rate in the cooling circuit (when
Also consult points 2.1. - 2.3. - 2.4. - 2.5. - 2.6.
6.1. The pump fails to empty the trap down to stop
6.2. The electric pump continues to operate even beyond
the stop level.
6.3. Electric pump with insufficient flow rate for plant
7.1. The level of the fluid in the accumulation
chamber is insufficiently high to allow the electric pump
to start.
7.2. Incorrect connection or malfunction of the level
8.1. Water in the electric pump oil.
8.2. The alarm activates the first time the electric pump
is started after installation or re-installation.
9.1. The motor is incorrectly connected.
9.2. Short-circuit in the connecting cables, the winding or
in the motor connections.
9.3. Protector plates or fuses undersized in relation to
the installed power.
9.4. Excessive heat in the place where the panel is
10.1. Defective switch relay.
10.2. Incorrect level sensor sequence.
SaLES NETWORK and LIST OF aSSISTaNcE cENTERS available in www.caprari.com
5.1. The accumulation chamber is too small, or the
defective check valve keeps filling the tank.
5.2. Clean.
5.3. Clean.
5.4. Clean the internal circuit and/or increase the
cooling fluid flow rate in the external circuit.
6.1. Check for leaks in the driving system inside the
trap or for clogging in the valves or impeller.
6.2. Check the level monitoring equipment.
6.3. Replace the electric pump with another able
to ensure a higher flow rate.
7.1. Refill or wait until the accumulation chamber
fills so that pump operation can be checked when
enabled by the probe.
7.2. Check the connections of each probe and
change any defective ones.
8.1. Probable wear on the mechanical seal on the
pump side. Service as soon as possible.
8.2. Before checking the electric pump oil, check
that all conductivity probe connections have been
correctly made.
9.1. Check and correct the panel connections.
9.2. Disconnect the motor and check the windings.
Check whether there is a short-circuit or grounded
9.3. Check and replace with correctly sized parts.
9.4. Check the installation site or use
compensated equipment.
10.1. Check and replace the device if necessary.
10.2. Check and correct the activation sequence
and check the start and stop commands.
caprari S.p.a.