pursuant to: Council Directive No. 2006/42/EC
Council Directive No. 2014/30/EC
Council Directive No. 2000/14/EC
A. We: EMAK spa via Fermi, 4 - 42011 Bagnolo in Piano (RE) ITALY
B. Mechanical equipment
- name: Riding mower
- model: Oleo-Mac Apache 92 EVO - Apache 92 EVO 4x4
Efco Tuareg 92 EVO - Tuareg 92 EVO 4x4
- serial number AC 00001÷99999
C. Legislation forming the basis for assessment of compliance:
EN ISO 5395-1 - EN ISO 5395-3 - EN ISO 14982
D. Assessment of compliance was performed according to the designated procedure in:
- EP and Council Directive No. 2006/42/EC, Annex VIII,(eqv.Annex no. 8, NV No. 176/2008 Coll.)
- EP and Council Directive No. 2014/30/EU, Annex II,(eqv.Annex no. 2, NV No. 117/2016 Coll.)
- EP and Council Directive No. 2000/14/EC, Annex VI,(eqv.Annex no. 5, NV No. 9/2002 Coll.)
E. Tipo de dispositivo de corte: cuchilla rotativa.
Anchura de corte: 92 cm
F. We confirm that:
- this mechanical equipment meets all respective provisions of the aforementioned directives (NV)
- measures have been taken to ensure the compliance of all products introduced to the market with the
technical documentation and the requirements contained in technical regulations.
- guaranteed emission level of acoustic power L
Measured mean values of acoustic power depending on the engine used:
Briggs & Stratton 21 HP Vanguard
Briggs & Stratton 23 HP Vanguard
Loncin LC2P77F
EMAK K2400
Technical Documentation in the scope pursuant to annex VII for the Directive 2006/42/EC a pursuant to annex VIII
for the Directive 2000/14/EC is kept at the place of business of the manufacturer at the address:
Bagnolo in Piano (RE) Italy 2. 1. 2022
Emak S.p.A. is dedicated to the continuous development and improvement of all its machines. Therefore, some
technical differences in terminology may appear in this manual when compared with the actual product. No claims
can be deduced from this. Print, duplication, publication and translation (even in part) must not be performed
without the written consent of Emak S.p.A. The manufacturer reserves the right to change technical parameters of
the product, without prior customer notification.
(Government directive NV 176/2008 Coll.)
(Government directive NV 117/2016 Coll.)
(Government directive NV 9/2002 Coll.)
issue the following statement:
under supervision of the notified entity
SZS Praha, NB 1016
Třanovského 622/11
163 04 Prague 6, Czech Republic
is 100 dB(A)
Speed (min
Fausto Bellamico - President
Measured value of ac.power [dB(A)]