Start-up guide
Type your way to perfect spelling with Listen & Spell Master! From jokes and stories to
information about the environment, you can choose from more than 160 different dictations and
become a champion speller in no time! Plus there are 5 other fun word games to test your
grammar and vocabulary.
1. Press the POWER key
Listen & Spell Master.
2. Use the activity selector
to choose 1 of the 10 activities about dictation, grammar,
vocabulary, spelling exercises and games.
3. When the unit speaks a dictation out loud, type in what
you hear. Pay attention to spelling, punctuation and
letter spacing!
4. When you have finished typing, press the OK key
to check your dictation. When you have finished, press
and Listen & Spell Master will show you if you
have spelt any words wrong. Press
see your score out of 20!
to turn on or turn off the
once again to