Scoring rules
The score is always given out of a total of 20 points. The score is given at the end of each game
round. The game round length varies between activities, for example in Activity 1 you need to type
in 5 dictations in order to see your score, whereas in activity 2 it is displayed after every dictation.
The score is calculated in different ways in different game rounds. A summary of the scoring rules
is given below:
For activities 1, 2, 3, 4,
The score is calculated as a percentage of how many letters you have written correctly, and then
converted into a score out of 20. Make sure you try and finish the entire dictation to get a true
reading of your score!
For activity 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
The answer is correct at the first try....................4 points
The answer is correct at the second try ............2 points
Remember that if you use the ANSWER key or the DICTIONARY key to find an answer then one
point is deducted from your final score.
For activity 8
The score is calculated as a percentage of how many words you have found on the total of
possible answers (it's the number displayed on the right of the question word). Then this
percentage is converted into a score out of 20.
Add players and compare scores
Use the PROGRESS key to check how you and your friends are doing! Use the ARROW keys to
select a player and press
Overall Performance
This shows your overall average dictation score and the number of dictations you have completed.
This score only reflects your progress in the first 5 activities of the unit.
Activity Scores
In here you can find your average scores for each individual activity. Scroll down the list to see
how you measure up in each of the 10 activities.
Contents of the packaging
1 x Listen & Spell Master game
1 x instruction manual
WARNING: All packaging materials, such as tape, plastic sheets, wire ties and tags are not part of
this toy and should be discarded for your child's safety.
. To add a new player see the Settings section on pg 23.