U s e r M a n u a l
Speakers placement
The Profile loudspeakers have
been engineered to deliver the
most faithful sound reprodution,
whether they are used for music or
home cinema. In order to enhance
their performance, to guarantee a
high quality of listening, sound
image and tone balance, it is
important to note the following
basic rules.
The listening area must be located
at the summit of an equilateral
triangle whose two other points
of insertion are determined by
the position of each speaker.
Nevertheless it is possible to
modify these distances to find
an ideal compromise according
o the particular disposition of the
room (fig. G).
Each loudspeaker must be placed
at the same height and on the
same floor plan. The tweeter
should be at the same height
as the listener's ear, when the
listener is in his usual listening
area (fig. H).
Surround and center speakers
The soundtrack mix for a film or
music encoded in multichannel
format is very complex and
allows the listener to benefit from
a wide range of special sound
effects, which require the use
of effect channel speakers.
In order to obtain a realistic 3D
soundstage, the placement of the
speakers is decisive, even when
confronted with a restrictive
disposition of the listening room.
For enhanced p e r f o r m a n c e s ,
the following elements should
be noted.
Central channel speakers should
be placed close to the TV-screen
to obtain a proper placement
and a realistic reproduction of
the dialog (fig. Ha). They could
b e p l a c e d b e l o w or above
the TV-screen if your TV-unit
permits. If a standart projection
s c r e e n i s u s e d , t h e central
c h a n n e l s p e a k e r m u s t b e
placed under the screen.
If a n acoustically transparent
projection screen is used, the
central channel speaker can be
placed behind and at the bottom
of the screen.
Avoid placing the effect speakers
too far from the listening area
otherwise the sound perception
will be altered. In order to ob-
tain surround effects, with great
sound density we advise you
to place the speakers against
the sidewalls on each side of the
listening room (fig. Ib, Ic). You
can use IC 900 as In Ceiling
surround speakers (fig. Hc) or
for back center surround channel
for 6.1 or 7.1 configuration.
Adjustment of tweeter
To carry out adjustments, use
the switch level located on the
front baffle of the speaker as
follows (fig. J).
If you wish, you can paint your
speaker to match your room. We
advise that you paint the grille
and the housing of the speaker
For the frame: remove the grille
and place the paint mask in
position to protect the drivers.
For the grille: if nec essary
remove the driver mask from the
grille before painting. You can
put this mask back into position
after drying if you wish.