U s e r M a n u a l
The Profile input sockets ensure
reliable multipurpose connections
for stripped cables as well as for
plugs. It is imperative to respect
the connector polarity of both
the loudspeaker and amplifier.
The positive terminal "+" must
be connected to the correspond-
ing (matching) amplifier's termi-
nal and the negative terminal "-"
to the negative terminal. Stereo
image, soundstaging and bass
perception would be seriously
compromised if these conditions
were not respected.
Don't undere s timate the im-
portance of the cable: make
sure you chose the appropri-
ate section and length. Let your
retailer advise you.
About amplifiers
Contrary to what one might think,
it is not a too powerful amplifier that
might damage a loudspeaker,
but r athe r a la ck of pow er.
Actually if the output level of the
amplifier is too high it will saturate
and distort which will irremediably
damage the tweeter. The power
handling and frequency response
of the Profile loudspeakers is good
enough to highlight the qualities
or weak points of the amplifiers
they are combined with. Let your
retailer help you make the right
choice, matching your personal
taste and budget.
This should be carried out after
all of the cables have been fitted.
We recommend that you use a
marked cable in order to conserve
the polarity of the speakers (+/-).
Existing construction:
• Cut the dry wall using the tem-
plate supplied (fig. A). Be sure
to check that this is perfectly
vertical using a spirit level be-
fore you begin cutting.
• Check construction plans of
your room to make sure that
you are not drilling into a pipe,
an electrical cable or any other
specialised installations behind
the wall.
New construction:
• Use the optimal dedicated
mounting kit.
• Route the connection cables
before installing the plaster-
• Ensure that the speakers are
connected before installing them
into the wall!
The loudspeaker is firmly fixed into
the wall using a system of clamps.
To achieve this, place the speaker
into the cut-out and tighten the fix-
ing screws in a clockwise direction
(fig. B, C for IW 908) (fig. D, E
for IC 908).
Wall Boost Control
Yo u r l o u d s p e a k e r s u s e a n
exclusive filtering process known
as O P C ( O p t i m u m P h a s e
C rosso v e r ) guaranteein g a
perfect stereo image and out-
standing sound definition.
Additionally, in order to reduce
the "wall effect" inherent to any
built in speaker, we have devel-
oped a wall boost equalization
circuit which corrects this phe-
nomenon and makes it easier
to position your speakers to suit
your preferences (fig. F).