• Connect the antennas (A) to the antenna sockets,
ensuring it is screwed in firmly and angled upwards.
• Connect the Ethernet port on your computer to a LAN
port (B) on the NBG-419N using an Ethernet cable.
• Connect the WAN port (C) on your NBG-419N to the
Ethernet port on the device with which you are
accessing the Internet (for example, a modem) using
the cable that came with your modem.
• Use the power adapter (D) from the package to
connect the POWER socket to an appropriate power
2. Check your Internet connection. Open a web
browser on your computer and enter www.zyxel.com
in the address bar.
If you cannot access the Internet, restart your
NBG-419N. If you were given a user name and
password for Internet connection, you will have to
use the wizard. Skip the next section and go to
Set Up Wired and Wireless Networks using the