The helicopter is no longer in the area of influence of the air tur-
bulence from its own rotors at a flying height of about 2 m and the
flight situation is more stable.
If you have mastered hover flight, begin with
simple flying formations:
The model does not move
Motor does not turn
The model reacts incorrectly to the con-
trol commands or flies choppily
The model does not take off
The model moves forward/ backward and
sidewise, but does not hover
The model vibrates severely
Transmitter and Helicopter can not be
Train your command of the model, allow it to ascend and descend,
hover and move forwards and backward in the air as well as
execute turns.
Check, if the transmitter and the model are
switched ON.
Check the battery voltage of transmitter
and model
Motor is too hot
Check the state of the transmitter and
receiver battery charges
Rotor blades are twisted
Motor is too hot
Batteries are empty
Check whether the Helicopter is exposed to
a draught, e.g. by an opened window or an
air conditioner. Hover flight is not possible
when there is a draught
Check whether the rotors run true
Throttle control not set to minimum
Switch on the Transmitter and the Model.
Employ completely charged batteries
Allow the motor to cool down
Employ completely charged batteries
Exchange the rotor blades
Allow the motor to cool down
Charge the batteries or exchange them
Close the window/door, switch off the air
conditioner or select a more suitable room
Possibly change the rotor blades
Throttle need to be minimized to zero
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