Calibrating The Continuous Internal Self-Checking System - CESVA ENOS LRF-05 Manuel D'instructions

Limiteur-enregistreur par fréquences
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If you want to look for a specific card, all you have to do is place the cursor in the
search field (personal data zone) and select this option. The programme will ask for
the chain of characters to search for.
This option searches for the next card that fulfils the previously established

4.3 Calibrating the continuous internal self-checking system

The LRF-05 continuous internal self-checking system is calibrated as follows:
1) Access the programming menu
The calibrating process consists of reproducing a test signal (pink noise) through the
music system. To do this, the LRF-05 is provided with a compact disc (CD) containing
an audio track with the (pink noise) test signal.
Turn on the hi-fi and make sure it has a CD player.
Set the amplifier or crossover volume controls to their normal working position during
the session (very important).
5) Play the test signal at low volume (mixing desk) and press run
A message will appear on screen asking for the 4-digit password. The ex-factory
password is 0000.
6) Once the password has been accepted, the LRF-05 will begin the calibration process
(the 3 LEDs – [2] [3] [4] – will light up) and cease to limit in order to pick up the signal.
The screen will display the 1s continuous equivalent level.
7) Increase the volume of the mixing desk until you reach a sound pressure level of
approximately 80 dBA (watch the indicator on the LCD screen).
8) Once the correct calibration level has been reached, press STOP
9) Press Run again, introduce the password and check that the level that appears on
screen is higher than 80 dBA.
10) The LRF-05 carries out the rest of the calibrating process automatically. The process
lasts 2 minutes.
11) When the two minutes are up, a message will appear saying that calibration has been
successful: "Correlation parameter recorded". As from this moment, the self-checking
system is activated.
12) Should any of the following messages appear, the calibration process must be
Error insufficient sensor level
Error in calibration
Error insufficient line level
The "insufficient sensor level" error is due to the fact that the sound pressure level measured
by the sensor is not enough to carry out the calibration process: repeat the calibration
process at a higher sound signal level. The "calibration error" is due to variable sound
conditions: repeat the process, making sure the sound signal level is stabilised. The
"insufficient line level" error is due to that fact that there is not enough signal level at the
limiter input: repeat the calibration process at a higher level. Should an error appear in the
and press the calibration key


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