Driver Installation; Programming The Lrf-05 - CESVA ENOS LRF-05 Manuel D'instructions

Limiteur-enregistreur par fréquences
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Les langues disponibles

User's manual
Use this option to accede to the incidences menu, where you may download and
display the data recorded by the limiter.
This option allows you to select the computer port to connect with the LRF-05 (see
4.1). The connection LRF-05  PC may be made via either USB connection or
modem. If you choose the modem option, you must indicate whether the
telephone line works with pulses or tones. You may also indicate a dial code (eg,
external calls) to be added to the telephone indicated in the record of each limiter.
Use this option to select the language in which the application will be displayed
and in which the reports will be printed.
This option allows you to introduce the foot page that will appear printed in the
This option provides access to on-line help.
This option allows you to quit the LRF-05 software application.

4.1 Driver installation

Before communicating the LRF-05 and a PC for the first time, it is necessary to install the
CESVA USB driver. You can find this driver at CESVA's website (
Following the instructions given in this website, the installation will be easy and simple.

4.2 Programming the LRF-05

Once the LRF-05 has been correctly installed, it is ready for programming.
The following figure shows the programming display, which consists of a button menu at the
bottom and "index cards". Each index card represents a different appliance. The up and
down arrows in the middle of the screen provide access to the cards.
Each card is divided into 4 zones:
Personal data zone: Into this zone introduce the data necessary to identify each
appliance: serial number, version, contact person, establishment, address, city and
telephone. The telephone number will be the one to make connection by modem.


Table des Matières

Table des Matières