13. The tailwheel unit is installed next: slip the tailwheel (21) onto the tailwheel unit (22), then bend the end of the
wire over using a pair of pliers so that the tailwheel is retained securely, but rotates freely. Fit the tailwheel unit
through the hole in the rudder horn (23), bend it over at 90° , and glue it to the horn and the lug with a drop of
14. Install the rudder horn as described for the elevator horn.
15. The elevator servo and the aileron servos can now be glued to the wing using UHU-por. Use the procedures
shown in the illustrations, according to the type of aileron linkage you have installed. If you are fitting
pushrods, connect the rod before gluing the servo in place. If you prefer pull-cables, remove the
mounting lug from the servo first. Ensure that the servos are at centre before installing them; this is
accomplished by briefly switching the radio control system on.
16. At this stage the speed controller wires should be soldered to the motor wires; check carefully that the motor
spins in the correct direction before finalising the solder joints. Fit the retaining screws (24) through the motor
mounting lugs. Push the rubber grommets (25) over the screws, and attach the motor to the motor mounts
using the retaining screws provided. Glue the speed controller to the bottom fuselage reinforcement using
17. Connect the servo leads (including the rudder servo) and the lead attached to the speed controller to the
receiver output sockets, using the sequence stated in the receiver operating instructions. The receiver can now
be glued to the fuselage using UHU-por. Deploy the receiver aerial along the bottom edge of the fuselage and
secure it with adhesive tape. The rudder servo should be glued to the fuselage side using UHU-por.
18. The control surface linkages can now be completed using the linkage cord (26). The procedure for this is
always the same, regardless of the length of the cords: start by threading the cord through the first hole in
the horn, then through the second, then back through the first again. Repeat this twice more. Only then run the
cord through the last hole, around the cord again and into the slot, where it is glued in place. The cord must
not be under tension at this stage. Now run the cord to the servo and through the outermost hole in the
servo output arm, then through the innermost hole. Turn the model over, and thread the cord through the
central hole on the other side, before running it once more through the outermost hole and back towards the
control surface horn. Thread the end of the cord through the horn holes as described earlier. Before you draw
the cord into the slot on the opposite side of the horn, pull gently on the end of the cord to draw the
linkage taut; the tension in the cord should only be light. Now you can pull the cord into the slot. If the cord
should loosen, or expand due to low temperature, this system makes it very easy to re-tension the linkage.
19. Cut two pieces 30 mm long from the remainder of the carbon wing reinforcement (13), and glue them to both
sides of the bottom fuselage section using UHU-por, flush with the undercarriage slots.
20. Cut both undercarriage legs (27) to a length of 230 mm. Push the wheel axle supports (28) onto the
undercarriage legs, and secure them with a drop of cyano. Sand back the ends of the undercarriage legs flush
with the axle supports.
21. Apply UHU-por to the undercarriage locating slots in the wing (this is a wet joint - don't allow the adhesive to
dry out). Use plenty of glue - too much does no harm here. Now slide the undercarriage legs through the
undercarriage slot in the bottom fuselage section and into the undercarriage locating slots. Glue the
undercarriage legs in the undercarriage slots using plenty of UHU-por, and allow the glued joints to dry out for
at least one hour (preferably overnight - the longer the better). Don't touch or stress the undercarriage while the
glue is setting.
22. The wheel axles (29) can now be glued in the wheel axle supports: apply a small drop of high-viscosity (thick)
cyano to the wheel axle support, then push the wheel axle into the unit, ensuring that the axle is positioned
parallel to the ground.
23. Glue the undercarriage fairings (30) to the undercarriage legs using UHU-por.
24. Glue the wheel spat mounts (31) to the wheel spats (32) using UHU-por. Take care to make a mirror-image
pair (different left and right).
25. Slip the main wheel (33) onto the wheel axle, then fit the wheel spat and mount onto the wheel axle to a depth
of about 1 mm. Apply a drop of thick cyano to the hole in the axle support, and push the spat fully onto the
axle. Repeat with the second wheel.
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